IEEE Queensland Section Newsletter-Issue 2 : Coming Soon !

IEEE Queensland Section Newsletter-Issue 1

Please observe these guidelines when submitting contents for newsletters:

  • Contents can be submitted in Word documents or as simple text in an e-mail. Word.docx files are best, and you can embed photographs inside the document. The docx format is Microsoft’s equivalent to a zip file, making it easy for the newsletter editor to unpack the contents.
  • PDF files are not suitable.
  • Provide some information about how you want the contents laid out in the article.
  • Photographs should be reduced in file size but not in area. The newsletter editor will crop your photographs to suit the layout of the article.
  • Include short captions with your photographs. The editor has the final say on how the captions will appear.
  • Avoid photographs that are too bright or too dark. Photographs taken during slide presentations usually fall into either of these categories.
  • Provide a list of names if a photograph contains one or more people. If the photograph is a group shot taken at a conference, supply the name of the conference.
  • Give the editor plenty of time to set the copy and provide you with a galley proof.

IEEE Region 10 newsletters are available here.