In the SA Section, the Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) is active and is part of the joint initiative forming the IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group.
- Chairman: Keith Kikkert
- Vice Chairman: Don Sinnott
Our local group can be contacted via email at [email protected]
IEEE Life Membership qualifications
Life members must be at least 65 years of age and have been a member of IEEE or one of its predecessor societies for such a period that the sum of his/her age and his/her years of membership equals or exceeds 100 years. When an individual achieves Life Member (LM) status, their basic membership dues and Region assessments are waived on 1 January of the year following attainment of LM status.
IEEE “Life” status is an automatic process based on an individual’s membership record.
To qualify for Life member status, a member must be at least 65 years of age and have been a member of IEEE or one of its predecessor societies for such a period that the sum of his/her age and his/her years of membership equals or exceeds 100 years. (IEEE Bylaw I-102.2)
Members who qualify each year will be notified by mail in the fourth quarter of the qualifying year.
“Life” status will be effective on 1 January of the following year. Contact the IEEE Contact Center with questions regarding your IEEE Life member status.
View the various benefits to Life member status.
IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group
The IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group was founded in 1980 by IEE and has been a joint initiative since 2007 between the IET (SA&NT) and IEEE(SA)
IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group OFFICE BEARERS
- Chairman: Phil Cheesman
- Secretary: Don Grigg
- Treasurer: Jim Emery
- Delegate to the IET SA & NT Network: Dr Joseph Kasser