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Research Activities at the Radar and Surveillance Systems National Laboratory and the University of Pisa

August 22, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Dear IEEE members and guests There will be a joint IEEE Control, Aerospace and Electronic Systems (CAES) and Communication, Signal Processing seminar on August 22, 2022 at from 6-7pm (Adelaide time). This will be a hybrid event hosted both at Adelaide University and online through zoom. In-Person – The talk will be given at the Engineering North N132 building, University of Adelaide campus, North Terrace, Adelaide. Online – The zoom link is https://adelaide.zoom.us/j/88903978416?pwd=czRMQnJQTXp4T2EzbDU2aW55eDJ4dz09 (Passcode: 719555) The speaker is Dr. Marco Martorella from the University of Pisa, Italy. He will be presenting a seminar on: Research Activities at the Radar and Surveillance Systems National Laboratory and the University of Pisa Further information on this seminar and others can be found on the IEEE SA website: https://r10.ieee.org/saus/ Abstract The Radar and Surveillance Systems National Laboratory has passed its first ten-year milestone and now has over 40 staff. Moreover, the Radar Laboratory at the University of Pisa has been producing radar-related research for many decades since the radar school was funded shortly after World War II. In this seminar, radar-related research will be presented that is currently done at both labs with attention to the mechanisms that are in place to enable a full innovation cycle and that include external elements such as spin-off and start-up companies. Some success stories will be presented that will highlight the commercialisation of products that resulted from completing the innovation cycle. Biography Marco Martorella received his Laurea degree (Bachelor+Masters) in Telecommunication Engineering in 1999 (cum laude) and his PhD in Remote Sensing in 2003, both at the University of Pisa. He is now an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa and an external Professor at the University of Cape Town where he lectures within the Masters in Radar and Electronic Defence. Prof. Martorella is also the Director of the CNIT’s National Radar and Surveillance Systems Laboratory. He is author of more than 250 international journal and conference papers, 3 books and 19 book chapters. He has presented several tutorials at international radar conferences, has lectured at NATO Lecture Series and organised international journal special issues on radar imaging topics. He is a member of the IEEE AES Radar Systems Panel, National member of the NATO SET Panel, where he sits as Chair of the Radio Frequency Technology Focus Group, and National member of the EDA Radar Captech. He has chaired several NATO research activities, including three Research Task Groups, one Exploratory Team and three Specialist Meetings. He has been recipient of the 2008 Italy-Australia Award for young researchers, the 2010 Best Reviewer for the IEEE GRSL, the IEEE 2013 Fred Nathanson Memorial Radar Award, the 2016 Outstanding Information Research Foundation Book publication award for the book Radar Imaging for Maritime Observation, three NATO SET Panel Excellence Awards (2017, 2018 and 2021) and one NATO STO Excellence Award. He is a co-founder of ECHOES, a radar systems-related spin-off company. His research interests are mainly in the field of radar, with specific focus on radar imaging, multichannel radar and space situational awareness. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Speaker(s): Marco Martorella, Room: N132, Bldg: Engineering North, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/317635


Room: N132, Bldg: Engineering North, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/317635