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Detection and Tracking of Multipath Targets in Over-the-Horizon-Radar

August 9, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Dear IEEE members and guests The next IEEE Control, Aerospace and Electronic Systems (CAES) seminar will be on August 9th, 2021 at 7:30pm (Adelaide time). The speaker is Sam Davey from the Defence Science and Technology Group and he will be presenting a seminar on: Detection and Tracking of Multipath Targets in Over-the-Horizon-Radar Please aim to join the webex meeting before hand, so we can start on time. https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/onstage/g.php?MTID=edb9a12a8d1d39cff3d4eada83a0b0ba3 Event number (access code): 130 462 7259 Further information on this seminar and others can be found on the IEEE SA website: https://r10.ieee.org/saus/ Regards Luke Rosenberg IEEE SA CAES chapter vice chair Detection and Tracking of Multipath Targets in Over-the-Horizon-Radar Presenter: Sam Davey, Defence Science and Technology Group The ionosphere is a region of the Earth’s atmosphere that is ionised by solar radiation. Due to this ionisation it refracts electromagnetic waves and that provides a mechanism for propagation to ranges well beyond line of sight. Skywave over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) is a sensing modality that exploits refraction in the high-frequency band to illuminate targets at ranges up to 3,000 km. The simplest model of the ionosphere is a spherical mirror at a fixed altitude but in reality propagation is much more complex. In particular, there are multiple layers within the ionosphere that refract radiated signals and provide different multiple propagation paths between the sensor and the targets. At some combinations of range and frequency a single target can appear as a cluster of returns at the receiver. The detection and localisation of targets in this data can be viewed as a decision process with multiple sources of data association ambiguity. The conventional approach performs CFAR and point-detection before sequentially solving the different association problems. We consider two new tracking approaches for this environment: the first uses measurement fusion; the second uses group-target track-before-detect. In contrast to previous studies, we find that the biggest benefit is not improved detection sensitivity but rather associating the whole pattern of multipath returns significantly improves the ability to follow manoeuvres. Biography Sam Davey, Remote Undersea Surveillance STaR Shot Leader, Department of Defence. Sam (S’00, M’03, SM’12) is a data scientist with technical and leadership experience across surveillance using radar, electro-optical, undersea, and intelligence multiple source data. He studied engineering and mathematics at the University of Adelaide, culminating with a Ph.D. in signal processing in 2003. He has worked for the Defence Science and Technology Group within the Australian Department of Defence since 1995 where he has undertaken fundamental algorithm research, technology development, and fielded operational data fusion systems. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide; a senior member of the IEEE; a senior area editor of IEEE Signal Processing Letters; and author of the books Bayesian Methods in the Search for MH370, and Track Before Detect using Expectation Maximisation. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/277467