Implantable brain-computer interfaces to improve functional independence in patients with severe paralysis


peaker: Dr Sam John, Senior Lecturer - University of Melbourne Registration:    (Zoom link to be emailed upon registration) Abstract: A Brain‐Computer Interface (BCI) is a device that can enable users to interact with computers or machines using their thoughts. This technology can be used to restore lost function such as movement and speech or to treat people with neurological and psychological conditions. However, reports to date have had a limited clinical translation. This talk will focus on the concept of a BCI, outline some challenges in the present implementation, the work needed for the standardisation of BCI research and the progress made in overcoming these challenges. Event Flyer: Download (PDF)   This talk is jointly organized by the IEEE University of Melbourne Student Branch and Victorian Section.     


IEEE WIE Panel Discussion on Engineering/IT Career Aspects


IEEE WIE Unimelb affinity group is organising their first panel discussion event of the year 2021 on 22nd March 2021, Monday. The event will have two professional guest speakers from the Engineering & IT industries, who will discuss career prospects, skill development process, their own experiences in landing professional jobs and so on. It will be an online event using Zoom and will be an interesting ground to have open discussions on the first steps of getting into a professional career. Zoom link:
