Vijay S Paul Appointed as Chair for 2023-24 IEEE Region 10 Information Management Committee
Congratulations to our Vice Chair – Vijay S Paul for being appointed as the Chair for 2023-24 IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific) Information Management Committee.
About the committee
The R10 Information Management Committee (IMC) is tasked with managing all forms of electronic media (including website and social media), collect valuable data and protect stored information, related to R10 and its sub-units, for timely, effective and efficient dissemination of information.
The committee is responsible for facilitating the sharing of up-to-date information about R10 programs policies, procedures, and about IEEE in general, to its volunteers and members in the Region.
The Chair, in particular, is also responsible for the creation and execution of an Information Management Strategy for R10 website that advises on the complete lifespan of information – acquisition, ownership, audience, distribution, archiving and deletion.
Volunteering history
Vijay is the first IEEE volunteer from IEEE Victorian Section to serve on the IEEE Region 10 Executive Committee in over a decade.
He has been working with IEEE for 15+ years in various leadership roles with Young Professionals, Subsections, Sections, Region 10 (Asia-Pacific) and IEEE MGA. He has also previously served on IEEE HAC (Humanitarian Activities Committee) to work with them on their Global Membership Engagement Team.
Vijay is an IEEE Senior Member, and has been recognized multiple times by IEEE for his various contributions to the science and engineering education sector, including the 2021 Victorian Section Outstanding Volunteer Award, 2020 MGA (Global) Young Professionals Achievement Award, 2015 Region 10 (Asia-Pacific) Outstanding Young Professional Award, 2015 IEEE MGA (Global) Achievement Award and 2013 IEEE President’s Certificate of Appreciation, to name a few.
Professionally, he is currently the Senior Events & Communications Coordinator at Monash Data Futures Institute (Monash University) focused on supporting initiatives using AI for social good.