Victorian Section Elections 2023 Call for Nominations
Candidate nominations are now sought for the forthcoming Section Officer Elections for the term 01 January 2024– 31 December 2025 for the following positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.
If you are an IEEE member of Graduate Student or higher Member Grade and would like to contribute to the efficient management and visionary further development of our Section, please consider nominating for Election to one of the Section Officer positions that become vacant at the end of the current year, 2023. Self-nominations are encouraged, although nomination on behalf of a professional colleague or associate is also possible. In the latter case, extra steps are needed –
please contact us at the email address below for further details. Prior experience in office-bearing roles is desirable but not mandatory. The key personal characteristics required are orderly self-management in a teamwork environment, and an unequivocal commitment to the IEEE ideals of personal probity and technical excellence.
For further details of the positions available and to download a Candidate Nomination Form, please visit the Victorian Section website news page at A more detailed description of IEEE nomination and election procedures is given in the MGA Operations Manual, Section 9.4 (please see
The deadline for all submissions is 30th of October 2023. If you have any questions about nomination requirements or electoral procedures generally, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Issued by the Nominations & Elections Panel, 2023,
IEEE Victorian Section:
Ee Hui Lim [email protected]
Mehrnaz Shoushtarian [email protected]
Greg Adamson [email protected]