Meet the 2024-25 IEEE Victorian Section Executive Committee

Vijay S Paul is a technical communications professional, ex-entrepreneur, IEEE Senior Member, and an active IEEE volunteer for 16 years, presently working as Senior Communications Coordinator with Monash Data Futures Institute at Monash University.
Over the years, he has worked in various leadership positions with Sections, IEEE MGA (global), IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific), Technical Societies, Young Professionals, and IEEE SIGHT (Special Interest Group in Humanitarian Technology), to name a few.
He has led various impactful initiatives within IEEE, including:
- Hands-on science camp for visually challenged students
- Victoria’s 1st Student Transition & Elevation Program (STEP)
- Creating the information management strategy for IEEE Region 10
- IEEE’s first indigenously built E-Scientia exhibit
- Empowering underserved communities by organising numerous STEM workshops for students
- Initiating and completing various humanitarian technology projects across Asia-Pacific
Currently, he is also the 2024 Chair for IEEE R10 Information Management Committee and serves on the IEEE R10 Strategic Planning & New Initiatives Committee, as well.
Vijay is also the first IEEE volunteer from Victoria to serve on the IEEE Region 10 Executive Committee in more than a decade, and one of the very few in Australia to be a graduate of the IEEE VOLT Leadership Program.
His appointment as IEEE Victorian Section Chair makes him the youngest Section Chair in IEEE Victorian Section’s 40 year history, as well as one of IEEE’s youngest, globally.

Associate Professor Biplob Ray has been an active contributor to IEEE since 2016. In 2019, he volunteered as the webmaster for IEEE Victorian Section, leading the development of the current web portal. He was also instrumental in getting the IEEE IoT Community started in Victoria.
From 2020 to 2021, he served as Treasurer of the Section. In his current elected role as a Section Vice- Chair, A/Prof. Ray aims to expand the volunteer base of IEEE Victorian Section.
A/Prof Ray focuses on multidisciplinary research with core interests in secure communication protocols of Cyber-Physical systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). In 2019, he received CQU Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Exemplary Practice in Learning and Teaching (Tier 1) 2019 and Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation for Outstanding Research.
As a creative and passionate teacher, he believes effective learning depends on dynamic, differentiated and innovative lessons that engage the ongoing interest and imagination of students.

Susmita Saha has made significant contributions to IEEE, holding various key positions in the Victorian Section Execom, WIE, SIGHT, and Conferences Committee. She was the recipient of the Section’s Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2022, winning the prestigious award in the first year of her IEEE volunteering journey.
She has recently also been appointed to the 2024 IEEE R10 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee.
Professionally, Saha excels as a Research Fellow at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health at Monash University, where she also serves as the Deputy Director of the Ageing and Neurodegeneration program.
Her research focus is on utilising artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry, with an emphasis on medical imaging of neurological disorders. Saha has contributed significantly to the field of AI in healthcare by addressing medical challenges using novel machine learning and deep learning techniques, including predicting the likelihood of neurodevelopmental disorders in preterm infants, predicting epileptic seizure and associated treatment outcomes.

Anu Sabu completed her Bachelor of Technology in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering in India. She has been volunteering with IEEE since her undergraduate degree. Later, she pursued her Master’s Degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Melbourne, eventually completing her PhD in biomedical engineering from CSIRO and Swinburne University of Technology.
Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Bionics Institute where she is involved in pre-clinical research utilizing electrophysiological techniques to understand how information is encoded in the peripheral and central auditory system. She works with the implantation of biomedical devices, electrophysiological recordings, data analysis and behavioural assays.
A long time IEEE volunteer, she is also the current Chair for IEEE Victorian Young Professionals (YP), and serves on the IEEE R10 YP as well as the R10 Newsletter Committee. In view of her contributions, she was awarded the IEEE Victorian Section Outstanding Young Professional Volunteer Award in 2022, and the Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2023.

Jing Mu is currently a Research Fellow with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Her current research interests include non-invasive brain-computer interfaces, assistive technologies, and robotics.
She is also a Co-Founder at Virtetic, a medtech startup using virtual reality to support rehabilitation after limb loss.
Prior to this, Jing was a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. During her PhD, she proposed novel stimulation, decoding, and optimisation methods in multi-frequency steady-state visual evoked potential-based BCIs to extend its capability in real-world applications.
Jing received the M.Eng degree (with distinction) in Mechatronics from The University of Melbourne in 2017 and the B.Eng degree in Automotive Engineering from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, in 2014.

Dr Golnar Khomami has been working for Telstra as a Technology Leader, representing Telstra and the Australian mobile community across both national and international forums on spectrum strategy matters since 2016. She completed her PhD in Telecommunication Engineering at La Trobe University in 2015 specialising in Intelligent Transport System (ITS).
An active IEEE volunteer since 2010, she has previously been the Victorian Section Secretary as well as the Vice Chair, including a stint as acting Section Chair for most of 2017. For the past 3 years she has been Chair of IEEE Communication Society Chapter of the Section.
Golnar has extensive knowledge of radio engineering and regulations, with in depth knowledge and understanding of different communication protocols and particular interests in: radio propagation modelling, coverage planning, RF systems. She has been involved in liaising with the Australian national regulatory agencies, and has actively participated in both the regional Asia-Pacific and the global radio spectrum regulatory regimes since 2017, including chairing an ITU-R WP5D drafting group.
She is also a member of Australian delegations to the ITU-R World Radio Conference 2019 and 2023 representing the Australian mobile community.