12-20 July 2021: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021) – Call for Papers
11 November, 2020
The Organising Committee cordially invites you to participate in the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021), 12-20 July 2021.
The ISIT is the premier international conference series dedicated to the advancement of information theory and related areas. It brings together an international community of researchers and practitioners each year to present and discuss new research results and perspectives on future developments relevant to all areas of information theory, including big data analytics, source and channel coding, communication theory and systems, cryptography and security, detection and estimation, emerging applications, networks, network coding, information theory, signal processing, and statistical/machine learning. Hosted by the IEEE Information Theory Society, ISIT 2021 will feature contributed papers, the Shannon lecture and plenary talks, as well as tutorial sessions.
The ISIT 2021 symposium will be an interactive virtual conference, where real-time online participation for all accepted papers is possible. To deliver a new experience for ISIT 2021 participants, exciting features on a state-of-the-art virtual platform will be provided. Plenaries and regular sessions will be recorded and kept on the platform for some time after the event. Exciting tutorials on state-of-the-art topics in information theory are included in registration. Participants will be able to arrange private meetings to discuss research and engage with each other. Interactive social events will be available to encourage networking.
The Organising Committee looks forward to your scholarly contributions and participation in ISIT 2021. For more information and call for papers, please visit the conference website: https://2021.ieee-isit.org/