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What is it and how do we forecast demand to manage the Grid?
IEEE Power Energy Society (PES) VIC Chapter WIP Seminar: DERMS: What is it and how do we forecast demand to manage the Grid?
Zoom Link: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/81384001285?pwd=RWVjaUgrNGdPT1diTmtmNFM0NVVPQT09
Contact: IEEE PES Victorian chapters– [email protected]
Abstract: (Speakers: Dr Thilaksha Silva, CitiPower/Powercor/United Energy)
CitiPower, Powercor & United Energy is the largest electricity distributor in Victoria, Australia, delivering electricity to over 1.8 million residential households and commercial customers across Victoria. We are a data-driven organisation, and we exploit Big Data from over 1.8 million active smart meters in our Advanced Metering Infrastructure Smart Meter Network.
Our electricity grid was initially designed for one-way directional flow distributed from a centralised generation source to end consumers. Over time, the electricity grid has grown at both HV and LV levels. This increased penetration of Distributed Energy Resources has created new challenges. We initiated the Low Voltage-Distributed Energy Resource Management System (LV-DERMS) to better manage and control the stability of our network by automatic controlling of air-conditioner energy consumption. This allows users to reduce consumption during peak periods.
We identify distribution substations that are prone to stress during hot weather due to peak capacity constraints such as residential air conditioner loads. In this talk, I will demonstrate our LV-DERMS Architecture from forecasting demand for those stressed distribution substations, calculating overload, creating events, event monitoring via Sensibo device, and post-event reporting. You will learn how we control the load on the LV network to help balance the grid and to avoid risks of blackouts and power quality issues on the constrained areas of the network.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/derms-what-is-it-and-how-do-we-forecast-demand-to-manage-the-grid-tickets-214956319137