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Transforming the grid with pole-mounted batteries
IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) VIC Chapter Technical Seminar
United Energy is trailing 42 pole-mounted batteries. What is that I hear you ask? In simple terms we are in the process of installing 42 individual batteries on power poles to store and complement renewable energy.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/transforming-the-grid-with-pole-mounted-batteries-tickets-170273764413
The primary benefit of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is to provide network support to overloaded (capacity constrained) distribution transformer by supplying battery power when required.
The trial has three core objectives: develop and manufacture a new and innovative pole-mounted BESS solution, prove that batteries connected on the low-voltage network can successfully defer or avoid network augmentation and confirm that this business model of value stacking network value and market revenue is scalable.
This keynote will briefly mention the battery journey from initial ideation, formulating the business requirements, developing the technical specifications, engaging manufacturers, engineering design, factory acceptance testing, site installation, commissioning, operation, and the development of the asset management life-cycle strategy. We will also discuss AEMO FCAS requirements which are a key function of the batteries. And the implementation of utility Distributed Energy Resources (DER) using IEEE2030.5 Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP) API protocol.
- Speakers: Mark Wexler and Naveen Joseph, United Energy, Australia
- Zoom meeting link: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/81951866618?pwd=ZHRONVhydjlUcnNrVjkwK0RoaWtsZz09&from=addon
- Meeting ID: 819 5186 6618
- Password: 89535120