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Technical Seminar on National Electricity Market (NEM) Oscillatory Stability
Zoom Link: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/86945768371?pwd=Y3NTTlZtZjRYUXBZVkFvbEFTRldqUT09
Contact: IEEE PES and IEEE IAS Victorian chapters– [email protected]
Abstract: (Speakers: Marina Delac, Australian Energy Market Operator)
This technical presentation will discuss why the National Electricity Market (NEM) cannot operate without stabilising devices. The technical talk has been prepared for people without previous exposure to small signal/oscillatory stability in power systems. The primary focus of the talk will be on concepts rather than the very detail and will cover the following agenda:
- What is oscillatory stability?
- How is oscillatory stability assessed?
- How is NEM kept stable?
- What does the future hold for oscillatory stability?.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/national-electricity-market-nem-oscillatory-stability-tickets-196338372357