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Harmonic Analysis in Power Systems using Harmonic Balance Method
Zoom Link: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/81684191734?pwd=UjNRNVNBaG9jZjdEQUl2NG1JMGtWdz09
Contact: IEEE PES Victorian chapter– [email protected]
Speaker: Professor Junwei Lu, Griffith University, Australia)
The Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) is mainly used for studying nonlinear system oscillations in aeronautical and mechanical engineering. The main advantages of this approximate analysis method are that it can be computationally very efficient and that it often gives accurate results along with useful insights into system behaviour. In electrical engineering, HBM has not been widely used and the very limited application was the Microwave circuit in 1980’s. The HBM has been successfully adopted to analyse nonlinear electromagnetic field and design electrical machines by Prof. Yamada Sotoshi and Prof. Junwei Lu in Japan in the late 1980’s, and to solve harmonics problem caused by DC-biased transformer in HVDC power system with Prof. Lu and his former PhD student (Prof. Xiaojun Zhao) in later 2000’s. However, such accurate HBM has not been effectively used to analyse and calculate harmonics caused by half-cycle saturation of the DC-biased transformer during GDM/GIC events and non-linear inductive loads and power electronics in distributed energy system. The study of these harmonics problems is normally focused on the electrical circuit level, the harmonic problem in the component and structure level (or electromagnetic fields) and power system level has not been fully investigated due to a lack of understanding of the characteristics of non-linear electromagnetic fields, and a lack of theory and methodology dealing with harmonics generated from non-linear electromagnetic fields and power electronics.
In this seminar, the HBM for modelling and analysis of DC-biased power transformers including nonlinear magnetic field and Microgrid and distributed energy system (DES) will be introduced. The HBM can calculate all forms of harmonics generated from nonlinear inductive loads, saturated transformers and power electronics; therefore it can provide accurate prediction of harmonic distribution in electric power and renewable energy systems. This seminar intends to provide a detailed concept of HBM and its application in calculating the harmonics caused by non-linear inductive loads, half-cycle saturation of the DC-biased power transformers in HVDC power system and HV power system during GDM/GIC events, and power electronic devices in electric power and renewable energy systems.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/harmonic-analysis-in-power-systems-using-harmonic-balance-method-tickets-161194999583