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“Birth of the PC” by Dr Harvey Cohen
Key elements of the Personal Computer emerged during the decade starting in 1974. . These included the computer mouse, icon-based desktops, network links, affordable mass storage, memory-mapped video displays. Through this decade the beginnings were seen first-hand by the presenter, Dr Harvey Cohen, starting in 1974, which he spent in the MIT AI Lab, and briefly in Silicon Valley where he encountered SMALLTALK and the Dynabook. Back in Australia In 1975 he constructed a Turtle robot, developed mainframe microprocessor cross assemblers for four emerging microprocessors. Using the very first generation of microcomputers he initiated the OZNAKI Project. which produced the LOGO related software for microcomputers, running initially on the Poly-88, arguably the earliest practical microcomputer. In 1978 he had extensive dealings with Jeff Raskin, an associate editor of IEEE Computer, who confided his plan to join Apple. At Apple Raskin initiated the development of the Macintosh, but before its release, Steve Jobs became the Macintosh lead.
And then came the IBM branded microcomputer called the IBM PC, followed by the Microsoft DOS and Windows machine.
The Zoom session will start at 10:45 am
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