IEEE PES选举结果公布,Shay Bahramirad当选候任主席
近日,国际电子电气工程师学会公布了2021年电力与能源分会(IEEE PES)选举结果。超过5400个IEEE PES会员(占19%)参与了此次选举。
下列人员被广大IEEE PES会员选举为2022-2023年PES理事会成员。他们将于2022年1月起开始履职。
Shay Bahramirad – 候任主席
Jonathan Sykes – 秘书长
Juan Carlos Montero – 财务官
Shay Bahramirad – 候任主席

Dr. Shay Bahramirad is the Vice President of Climate and Resilience at Quanta Technology and an Adjunct Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology. She advises cities and utilities with operational risk assessment and developing mitigation strategies for adapting to climate change. Her research and teaching are focused on Microgrids, Elements of Sustainable Energy, and Smart Grid.
Dr. Bahramirad has held several executive positions in the Energy Sector, including Vice President of Engineering and Smart Grid at ComEd, the electric utility in Illinois. She is the IEEE-PES Vice President of New Initiative and Outreach, overseeing PES engagement with policymakers globally on technical issues, emerging technologies, Smart Cities, and Smart Village. She is also an editorial board member of the Electricity Journal and a contributor to the United Nations Goal-7, Clean and Affordable Energy. She holds patents and several graduate degrees including a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology.
IEEE Activities and Accomplishments
Dr. Bahramirad is an IEEE Senior Member and recipient of 2014 IEEE PES Young Engineer Award.
PES Vice President of New Initiatives and Outreach since 2017:
Established PES Executive Advisory Council to provide strategic support directly to the PES Governing Board
Overseeing IEEE-Smart Cities with 6-Societies participation and over 4,000 volunteers
Supporting Smart-Village and enhancing the philanthropy effort by restructuring, and creating succession plans
Creating a PES Diversity Taskforce to increase diversity in all operational areas
Overseeing the PE-Industry Technical Support Leadership Committee (ITSLC)
Managing corporate engagement programs with several corporations and regulatory organizations
Developing white papers with the highest number of downloads among all IEEE-PES technical resources, including but not limited to, Impact of IEEE-1547 Standard on Smart Inverters; Impact of Inverter Based Generation on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Short-Circuit Performance; The Definition and Quantification of Resilience
Developed media programs to increase visibility of PES globally in the industry and business audience and position PES as a thought leader in energy sector
Enhancing PES collaboration and partnership with the United-Nations to achieve sustainable energy goals
She has served on numerous conference organizing-committees, publications boards, technical committees and standards working groups including:
IEEE-USA board member
Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Special Issue on Power Grid Resilience (2015)
Guest Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Special Issue on Asset- Management (2014)
Vice-Chair, IEEE-PES Distribution Subcommittee (2014-2016)
Vice-Chair, IEEE P2030.7 – Microgrid Controller Standard (2014-2016)
Led and editor of IEEE P1854 – Smart Distribution Application Guide (2013-2019)
Founder, Inaugural-Chair, the Leadership Advisory Committee member, IEEE-PES Women-in-Power (2012-present)
Industry Member, IEEE-PES Life-Long-Learning-Subcommittee (2010-2013)
Chair, IEEE-PES T&D Conference & Exposition, Chicago (2020)
Technical Chair, IEEE-PES T&D Conference, Dallas (2016)
Technical Chair, IEEE-PES T&D Conference, Chicago (2014)
Technical Committee, IEEE-PES T&D Conference, Orlando (2012)
Advisory Committee, IEEE-Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid (2013-2016)
Jonathan Sykes – 秘书长

Jonathan Sykes is the engineering services manager for SEL in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He received his academic training from the University of Arizona and has worked in the electric power industry for more than 35 years. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a licensed Professional Engineer. He has always leveraged technology in collaboration to champion success. In the 1990s, his teams provided the first integrated protective relay/ RTU/SCADA systems in Arizona. In the 2000s, he pioneered the first widearea protection scheme based on IEC 61850 GOOSE messaging. In the 2010s, his team implemented one of the most advanced synchrophasor systems in North America. He helped quantify leading-edge concepts in lifecycle management for mission-critical protection and control systems. Today, he is applying all of that experience to help customers create sustainability and improved reliability. He leads diverse teams to develop new methods, establish standards, and implement strategies to modernize the grid.
IEEE Activities and Accomplishments
With your support, Sykes was elected in 2019 to serve as the secretary of the IEEE PES. By March 2020, the pandemic required Jonathan and the PES Board to pivot and implement strategies as IEEE PES events became virtual. As the PES secretary, Jonathan kept detailed records of these meetings as well as maintained the bylaws and history of the PES Board. Jonathan’s first term as secretary ends this year, and he is looking for your support as he runs for a second and final term.
Sykes’s first interaction with IEEE involved sharing case studies of integrating substations with new technologies. This included new communication techniques such as 61850. Sykes also helped rewrite and update core topics like breaker failure, distribution protection, and equipment guides and standards. After the 2003 North American blackout, he worked with IEEE teams to provide support in writing applicable regulatory standards and helped engage the IEEE Power System Relay Committee in oversight of the emerging compliance requirements. IEEE played a key role in introducing relevant issues to regulators and the creation of meaningful standards.
The electric grid relies on remedial action schemes, and Sykes led IEEE teams to write the design and testing guidelines for these critical schemes. Throughout his career, he has been an advocate for PES and represented IEEE as a Distinguished Lecturer in North America and around the world, sharing the Society’s good work, knowledge, and experience. His aim is to help elevate IEEE’s reputation and promote the reliability, affordability, and safety of this industry. As a leader in our industry, he believes that it is vital to recruit and cultivate diversity and inclusion in our industry. Sykes is still in awe of and humbled by the potential of PES and its important role in shaping this industry.
Juan Carlos Montero-财务官

Juan Carlos Montero is the former PES vice president of Membership and Image. He has previously held several other volunteer leadership roles within PES at the local and international levels. He works on the Costa Rican Power System Operator and has more than 20 years’ experience at his company. He is currently the electrical operational planning coordinator at the Costa Rican National Power Control Center. He has also been a part-time professor at the University of Costa Rica for more than 10 years. He received the bachelor and licentiate degree in electrical engineering from the University of Costa Rica. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
IEEE Activities and Accomplishments
Mr. Montero has participated in several IEEE and PES roles on an international level:
Current president-elect, IEEE Central America and Panama Council (2020–2021).
Current IEEE spokesperson on the Global Power System Transformation Consortium.
IEEE PES vice president, Membership and Image (2016– 2020).
IEEE PES Long-Range Planning Committee member (2014–2020).
IEEE PES Power System Operation, Planning, and Economics (PSOPE) Committee member.
IEEE PES Nominations and Appointments Committee member.
IEEE PES Social Media Committee chair (2012–2015).
IEEE PES Central America Chapters representative (2011–2015).
IEEE PES Costa Rica Outstanding Engineer Award (2011).
IEEE PES Costa Rica Chapter chair (2007–2008).
IEEE Costa Rica Section vicechair and other board positions.