鼓励年轻专业人员参与清洁能源革命创新 — IEEE PES Day 2021武汉站活动成功举办
2021年4月26日下午,武汉理工大学自动化学院于弘毅(原教四)-101室成功举办了IEEE PES Day 2021武汉站的活动,活动主题为鼓励年轻专业人员参与清洁能源革命创新,形式为线上线下联合讲坛,线下获得了一百多名师生的积极参与,线上通过腾讯会议吸引了来自全球不同国家及地区的众多参与人,现场气氛热烈。
On the afternoon of April 26,2021, Wuhan University of Technology successfully held a IEEE PES Day event on the theme of Encourage and Empower Young Professionals for the Innovation of Clean Energy Revolution. It is a combined activity both run online and offline. There were more than 100 active teachers and students participated offline, and online VooV meeting attracted a large number of participants from different countries and regions around the world and the atmosphere was warm.

本次会议有幸邀请到了IEEE主席候选人、IEEE PES(Power & Energy Society, PES)前主席Saifur 教授(Professor Saifur Rahman, Candidate for IEEE President, IEEE PES President for 2018 and 2019), IEEE PES WIP(Women in Power, WIP)副主席、IEEE PES DAY 2020主席Ajay 博士(Professor Ajay Kumar Machani, Vice Chair of IEEE PES WIP, Chair of PES Day 2020), IEEE PES WIP昆士兰代表白博士(Dr. Feifei Bai, Representative of IEEE PES WIP in the IEEE PES Queensland Chapter, Australia), IEEE PES WIP中国区副主席、华北电力大学副校长毕天姝教授(Professor Tianshu Bi, Vice Chair of IEEE PES WIP China, Vice President of North China Electric Power University) , 以及IEEE PES DAY 2021中国区总代表上海交通大学李佳教授(Prof. Jia Li, IEEE PES Day China Representative)等5位特邀嘉宾参会,发表了精彩的线上讲话,从IEEE PES 帮助年轻人职业发展、助力女性及年轻人士成长等多个角度,阐述了加入IEEE PES的益处及拥有的丰富资源。
The meeting had the honor to invite Professor Saifur Rahman(Candidate for IEEE President, IEEE President for 2018 and 2019), Dr. Ajay Kumar Machani(Vice Chair of IEEE PES WIP, Former Chair of PES Day), Dr. Feifei Bai (Representative of IEEE PES WIP in the IEEE PES Queensland Chapter, Australia), Professor Tianshu Bi(Vice Chair of IEEE PES WIP China, Vice President of North China Electric Power University) and Prof. Jia Li,(IEEE PES Day China Representative, Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University) and delivered wonderful online speeches via VooV Meeting. They spoke from different perspective of helping young people develop their careers and helping women and young professionals to grow, etc., and illustrated the benefits and rich resources of joining the IEEE PES.

本次会议还邀请了武汉理工大学自动化学院副院长、IEEE高级会员(IEEE Senior Member)李向舜教授,武汉理工大学自动化学院副院长、IEEE PES电动汽车技术委员会(中国)分委会常务理事(Standing Director for IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Satellite Committee-China)谢长君教授,IEEE PES电动汽车技术委员会(中国)分委会理事(Director for IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Satellite Committee – China)熊斌宇老师等结合我校本科生、研究生的实际情况发表了精彩演讲。鼓励我校本科生及研究生加入到国际学术组织,进行国际学术交流,全面提升综合素质。
The meeting also had the honor to invite Professor Xiangshun Li (IEEE Senior Member; Vice Dean of School of Automation, Wuhan University of Technology), Professor Changjun Xie(Standing Director for IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Satellite Committee – China; Vice Dean of School of Automation, Wuhan University of Technology) and Professor Binyu Xiong(Director for IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Satellite Committee – China) as special guests to participate in the event and deliver brilliant speeches. They encouraged the undergraduate and graduate students to join the international academic organization for international academic exchanges and improve overall quality.

最后几位优秀学生代表上台分享自身与IEEE PES相关的经历和心得体会。之后,部分学生就IEEE PES入会相关疑问进行了踊跃提问。
And some outstanding student representatives came on stage to share their own experiences. After that, some students raised questions about the IEEE PES membership and got the answer.

在活动最后,由IEEE PES Day 2021大使(IEEE PES Day Ambassador)侯慧老师做总结发言,给大家科普IEEE各种资源的获取方式,鼓励大家特别是女性积极参与到IEEE的学生活动和学术交流中来,并表达了对年轻人特别是女性朋友的殷切期盼。
Professor Hui Hou(IEEE PES Day Ambassador),made a concluding speech at the end of the IEEE PES day. She shared the way to obtain IEEE various resources, encouraged students to participate in IEEE student activities and academic exchanges, and expressed her earnest expectations for the young professionals especially for women young professionals.

至此,本次IEEE PES Day2021武汉站活动圆满结束。活动得到了IEEE PES中国分会理事会(IEEE PCCC)、IEEE PES WIP (Women in Power) 以及IEEE PES Wuhan Chapter的大力支持。活动当天即成功吸引了80余名青年人申请加入了IEEE PES,此次活动的圆满成功为IEEE PES中国区会员特别是武汉地区会员的成长和学术交流提供了助力。
Finally, This IEEE PES Day ended successfully. It successfully attracted more than 80 Young Professionals to join in IEEE PES. The event was strongly supported by IEEE PES China Council (IEEE PCCC) IEEE PES WIP (Women in Power) and IEEE PES Wuhan Chapter. The success of this event has contributed to the growth and academic exchange of IEEE PES members in China, especially young members in Wuhan.
IEEE PES 可为学生会员提供活跃的学术研究氛围和交流环境,帮助学生会员从IEEE中获取最新的科学理论、技术及其他学术资源增,并引导和指导同学们做自主、协作的学术研究,拓展学生会员的国际视野,提升人才培养质量、促进学科进步。
IEEE PES aims to provide young professionals with an active academic research atmosphere and communication environment, to help young professionals obtain the latest scientific theory, technology and other academic resources from the IEEE, to guide students to do independent and collaborative academic research, to expand the international perspective of student members, and to promote the academic innovation of students in electrical engineering, electronic information and communication and other related fields.