IEEE Power & Energy Society India Narain Hingorani Awards


Recognize the efforts of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) members in India who have made outstanding contributions to the state of the art in Solar Photo Voltaic systems, Energy Storage Systems, HVDC, FACTS, and Custom Power technologies, and their applications.

These awards are IEEE PES India-specific awards funded by Dr. Narain Hingorani to show gratitude towards his country of origin and from where he received his basic electric power education. With high renewable energy targets being set by various governments across the globe, advancements in power and energy technologies have seen rapid growth. Energy storage systems, High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission, Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), and Custom Power devices are aiding in the successful integration of renewable energy projects into the already complex power systems.

Five awards as below will be presented every year:

    1. IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in Solar Photo Voltaic Systems
    2. IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in Energy Storage Systems
    3. IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in HVDC Systems
    4. IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in FACTS
    5. IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in Custom Power devices


The IEEE definition of FACTS is:

“Alternating Current Transmission Systems incorporating power electronics-based and other static controllers to enhance controllability and power transfer capability.”

The IEEE definition of Custom Power devices is:

“The concept of employing power electronic (static) controllers in 1 kV through 38 kV distribution systems for supplying a compatible level of power quality necessary for adequate performance of selected facilities and processes.”

By these definitions, the FACTS and Custom Power devices concepts, in addition to the hardware, software and applications work carried out since their introduction, incorporate considerable prior work done on Static VAR Compensators and other static Controllers.


IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter has been assigned the responsibilities of administrating this awards.


Active IEEE Power & Energy Society professional (member grade and above) members residing in India, who have made an outstanding contribution to the state of the art in Solar Photo Voltaic systems, Energy Storage Systems, HVDC, FACTS, and Custom Power technologies, and their applications, will be considered. Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Ph.D. Students are not considered for this award.

Nominations for a specific award must be made for outstanding contributions in the area of the specific award. An individual can be nominated only for one award in any given year.

Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.

Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter).


  1. Single Annual Award for IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in Solar Photo Voltaic systems – US $1,500 (equivalent in Indian Rupees) and a Plaque
  2. Single Annual Award for IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in Energy System Storages – US $1,500 (equivalent in Indian Rupees) and a Plaque
  3. Single Annual Award for IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in HVDC Systems – US $1,500 (equivalent in Indian Rupees) and a Plaque
  4. Single Annual Award for IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in FACTS – US $1,500 (equivalent in Indian Rupees) and a Plaque
  5. Single Annual Award for IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani Award for Excellence in Custom Power devices– US $1,500 (equivalent in Indian Rupees) and a Plaque

Although one recipient needs to be identified in each area, in exceptional circumstances, the review committee may select more than one recipient in an area provided the total number of recipients does not exceed the total of five.


Awards will be presented every year at one of the flagship conferences/workshops organized/sponsored by IEEE PES in India. Award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.


The awards are funded by an endowment from Dr. Narain Hingorani managed by the IEEE Foundation. No travel expenses will be provided. It is expected that these awards for the awardees will be considered as an honor for their employers as well, and that the employers would be pleased to cover the travel expenses of their award-winning employees. However, upon request and only in an exceptional case where the awardee is retired from service and will face financial hardship in traveling to receive the award, travel, and accommodation expenses of up to a maximum of Indian Rupees equivalent of US$400 will be provided for each recipient from their award amount. The reimbursement of such travel and accommodation expenses will be made according to IEEE policies and procedures.



Self-nominations are not permitted. Open Nominations will be sought through wide publicity, by IEEE PES Chapters across the country, PES corporate members, and industries. Each nomination must be accompanied by at least one reference letter from an individual preferably from an organization different from that of the nominator. The nominator and the reference provider can be any one from India (i.e., not necessarily an IEEE member or an IEEE PES member), however, the nominee shall be an IEEE PES member in India. Nomination forms must be written in English.

At the discretion of the award committee, nomination packages of worthy nominees can stand for up to 3 years i.e., the year of first nomination plus up to two consecutive more years. This decision will be communicated to the nominator and the nominee. The original nominator or the nominee can request the withdrawal of a carried-over nomination package. At this point, the nominator can submit a new and updated package, and the carry-over counter is accordingly reset.

Nominations should comply with IEEE Policies and restrictions on awards. Incidents of misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of IEEE’s publication policies, will be strongly considered by the awards committee and may be grounds for denial of an award or leadership position.


All IEEE Power & Energy Society India Narain Hingorani Awards are handled by a single award committee composed by:

  • R10 PES India Chapters Representative shall chair the Awards Committee and appoint the committee members through nominations for ‘membership in the Awards Committee’ received from IEEE PES Chapters across India.
  • Three members and one convener shall support the Awards Committee Chair for the awards selection. Chair or Chair-Elect of the administrative PES professional chapter shall act as the convener.
  • All the committee members shall be active IEEE PES high-grade members from across India, with at least one member from industry and one member from academics. One member of the Awards Committee shall be a woman engineer.
  • The committee members’ appointment tenure, including the convener, shall be for one year and extendable for a maximum of three consecutive terms.
  • The Awards Committee evaluates the nomination based on the set guidelines to approve the final award recipients.
  • The quorum required for conduct of the Awards committee business is 4 out of 5.


Factors to be considered in selecting the IEEE PES India Narain Hingorani award in a given area, include:

  1. Candidate’s technical contribution(s) to the area of the award
  2. Originality or innovative nature of the contribution(s).
  3. Impact of the contribution(s) on the area of the award and its applications.
  4. List of significant publications in the area of the award
  5. Candidate’s stature in the area of the award
  6. Professional activities or involvements.

Voting shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The award Committee Chair shall have no vote except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the Chair’s vote can change the outcome of the vote. Conflict of Interest concerns shall be disclosed and addressed in accordance with IEEE Policies 9.9 A, B, and C. Any real and perceived conflict of interest (COI) shall be avoided.  Anyone with a COI shall recuse themselves from nominating, endorsing, discussing, and evaluating. Individuals serving on any board or committee involved at any stage of the recipient selection or approval process for an award shall be ineligible to receive, or act as a nominator or reference for that award.


Nominations will be sought annually with call for nominations being open for at least 2 months.  The call for nominations should be made no later than 31 January with the recipients being announced no later than 30 June.

The Awards Committee reviews the nominations and selects the final list of awardees as per the guidelines.


Award will be presented every year at a prominent PES related event in India such as PES India Chapters annual global workshop or the National Power Systems Conference (PES is a technical sponsor), IEEE PES Conferences-Asia etc.


The publicity will be done through the respective PES chapters, student chapters, industries, and other IEEE advertisement avenues in India.