Chair Message
Dr. Muhammad Ali Qureshi
On behalf of IEEE Bahawalpur Sub-Section and elected Ex-COM 2019, I would like to thank for nominating me as a Chair. I am honored and pleased on taking this responsibility and I will do my best in increasing the visibility of this section in IEEE World.
In continuation of the great initiatives by Engr. Anees-ul-Hussnain, Founder Chair, IEEE Bahawalpur Sub-section, we have set our goals for the year 2019. For 2019, our objectives are to invite more institutes in this section to establish student branches, to establish new technical chapters and to upgrade existing societies into functional technical chapters. In addition, we aim to increase the collaborations of industries with academics by organizing joint seminars and workshops. To promote membership drive and increase retention, we have also planned to offer handsome rebate plans. Moreover, we will put our utmost efforts to represent ourselves at all IEEE gatherings both at national and international levels.
Finally, the new Ex-com look forward to your support and active participation. Wishing you all the best.
With profound regards
Dr. Muhammad Ali Qureshi
Chair, IEEE Bahawalpur Subsection (2019-2021)
Senior Member, IEEE
Chairman, Telecommunication Engineering Department
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) 202007 January 2021
The IEEE Bahawalpur Subsection is pleased to announce its 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will take place on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM. The meeting will include highlights of this year and plans for next year. We are also ...
Member Loyalty Program26 December 2020
We are pleased to announce the launch of the IEEE Bahawalpur Subsection Member Loyalty Program to recognize it’s loyal members for their association based on the years of membership. This program aims to recognize its members at 3 and 5 years of service as an IEEE ...
IEEE Membership Offer 🗓26 December 2020
[Announcement] Attention to all graduate students to all current and future IEEE graduate student members! Join IEEE or renew your membership for the year of 2021, At a special discount for graduate students (MS and Ph.D) in Rs:999/- .This offer is applicable to the members in ...
The 2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC) will take place in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 5-7 November 2020. The INMIC is the flagship annual conference of IEEE in Pakistan. The focus of the INMIC is on multidisciplinary topics in the field of electrical & electronics engineering, ...
Executive Committee

Dr. Muhammad Ali Qureshi
ChairIEEE Senior Member No. 90709950

Dr.Asjad Amin
Vice ChairIEEE Member No. 94807092

Dr. Khan Bahadar Khattak
General SecretaryIEEE Member No. 93805375

Engr.Aoun Muhammad
TreasurerIEEE Member No. 92017453

Engr. Anees ul Husnain
Past ChairIEEE Member No. 92529220
Extended Committee

Dr. Khan Bahadar Khattak
Professional ActivitiesIEEE Member No. 93805375

Engr. Muhammad Nawaz Abbasi
Industrial Relation OfficerIEEE Member No.

Engr. Muhammad Usman Zafar
Membership Development ChairIEEE Member No. 93650506

Engr. Anum Farooq
Educational Activities ChairIEEE Member No.93931932

Engr. Abdullah Rao
Student Activities ChairIEEE Member No. 93936768

Engr. Muhammad Farid Zamir
Student RepresentativeIEEE Member No. 94396265

Engr. Anees ul Husnain
vTools CoordinatorIEEE Member No. 94613584

Mahnoor Balouch
Newsletter EditorIEEE Member No. 94396265

Engr. Aras Ali
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29-30March 2019Islamia university of BahawalpurBahawalpur, Pakistan
09-12October 2019Islamia university of BahawalpurBahawalpur, Pakistan
07-08November 2020Islamia university of BahawalpurBahawalpur, Pakistan
26December 20201st Annual General Meeting (AGM),