Membership Development Activities:
- IEEE Student Branch UCE&T IUB held a Member Drive that showed positive results. The increase in membership was appreciable and 46 new members joined the platform of IEEE.
- Many chapters arranged orientations to tell the students about IEEE and encouraged them to join this platform.
AEPEX is a Calendar/Signature event of IEEE UCET IUB held every year where students of all engineering disciplines of UCET, show their four years learning experience through the projects. Some of the projects were ICT funded including Sign Recognition for Deaf and dumb people using Android App, self-transforming mobile robot, Multilingual System for Robotic Application, Railway Track Security through GSM, Fully automated Solar Grass Cutter, Electrical Energy Efficient Utilization of Commercial Buildings, Design of Smart Road-Lights and auto traffic signal controller with emergency override, Design and Implementation Monitoring of Intelligent Monitoring Systems for a diverse application using plug and play wireless sensor network node, Design of a focused beam reflect array antenna, Design of Intelligent Fire Monitoring system using WSN and Fuzzy Logics. Principal UCE&T, delegations from PTCL & WAPDA and senior faculty members viewed the projects. The event was attended by hundreds of people.