Prakash Bharati offers student internship opportunities for Undergraduate and Masters students which will be helpful in their career building. Students can apply through the google forms which will be mentioned here in the website. The mode of Internship will be online where student can learn different software for Photonic chip design, Optical network, Optical bio-sensor, Quantum dot, Quantum communication, Quantum key distribution and other interested topics. Mentors will be allocated to each student/a group of students and they will teach them online. This internship program will be available for All-India student level. Preference will be given to those colleges where IEEE Photonics chapters are active. Hence it is advisable to start IEEE Photonics society student chapter so that student can get the benefit and it will be helpful for their future. The outcome of the internship will be in the form of IEEE technical papers, Internship certificate, travel to abroad for presentation and also for higher studies opportunity in abroad.