IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter

The IEEE Education Society is a society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers that is focused on the theory and practice of education and educational technology needed to deliver effectively domain knowledge in the fields of interest of IEEE.


Upcoming Events

About Us

Founded in 1957, IEEE EdSoc is a global society comprising professionals committed to advancing the quality of education in science and engineering. We are honoured to have you join us on this journey of fostering educational excellence and innovation.


To develop confident and responsible individuals to conquer the present and future challenges by providing relevant knowledge through systematic learning systems.


To deliver dynamic learning systems to equip the people with skills, leadership in each discipline and to strengthen interdisciplinary studies in new fields of learning

Join IEEE Education Society

The theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of all fields within the scope of interest of IEEE.

Full Year Membership

  • Professional Member – $22 USD
  • IEEE Student Member – $1 USD
  • Non-IEEE Member – $103 USD

Half Year Membership

  • Professional Member – $11 USD
  • IEEE Student Member – $0.50 USD
  • Non-IEEE Member – $51.50 USD

Join IEEE Education Society

The theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of all fields within the scope of interest of IEEE.
  • Full Year Membership
    • Professional Member - $22 USD
    • Student Member - $1 USD
    • Non-IEEE Member - $103 USD
  • Half Year Membership
    • Professional Member - $11 USD
    • IEEE Student Member - $0.50 USD
    • Non-IEEE member - $51.50 USD

Nominate for Awards

Image Gallery

Face to Face meeting 2024
Her Story
AGM 2023
Unleashing Your Inner Warrior: Discover the Strength in Yourself
Discovering STEM: Unleashing Curiosity
Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Green Energy
F2F 2023
Internship on Solar Energy

Image Gallery


National Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Green Energy

Udaan: Sparking Future Engineers!

i5: Ignite Imaginations & Inspire Iconic Innovations