IEEE EdSoc Kerala Section Awards

EdSoc Beacon of Knowledge Award
This award recognizes an educational activity that has significantly improved participants’ knowledge and contributed to the advancement of technology for humanity.
Eligibility Criteria
- The activity must have been conducted by an IEEE Education Society SBC within the IEEE Kerala Section.
- The activity must have clear educational value.
- It must have been conducted on or after 01 January 2024.
Nomination Process
- Nominations must be submitted by the Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary of the IEEE Education Society SBC.
- An SBC may submit up to two nominations. Multiple nominations for the same activity will result in immediate disqualification.
- Section or society chapter events hosted by the SBC cannot be submitted for this award.
Best Educational Activity General Award
This award recognizes an educational activity that has significantly improved participants’ knowledge and contributed to the advancement of technology for humanity.
Eligibility Criteria
- The activity must have been conducted by any SB or SBC other than EdSoc SBC within the IEEE Kerala Section.
- The activity must have clear educational value.
- It must have been conducted on or after 01 January 2024.
Nomination Process
- Nominations must be submitted by the Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary of the IEEE Education Society SBC.
- An SBC may submit up to two nominations. Multiple nominations for the same activity will result in immediate disqualification.
- Section or society chapter events hosted by the SBC cannot be submitted for this award.
Outstanding Student Volunteer Award
This award celebrates students who have made exemplary contributions to the growth of IEEE and the IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the time of application.
- Must have an active IEEE Education Society membership for at least three months prior to the application deadline.
- Must have made a significant contribution to the society’s growth, such as organizing events, enhancing membership, or promoting society ideals.
- The nominee must be enrolled in an institution under the IEEE Kerala Section.
Outstanding Student Branch Chapter Award
This award recognizes an IEEE Education Society SBC that has significantly contributed to the student community and society.
Eligibility Criteria
- The SBC must be active for a minimum of three months before the application deadline.
- Must have conducted at least two events in the year 2024.
- The SBC must belong to the IEEE Kerala Section’s geographic region.
Nomination Process
- Nominations must be submitted by the Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary of the SBC.
Outstanding Young Professional Award
This award honors early-career professionals for their significant contributions to academia or industry.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must have received their first post-secondary degree within the past 15 years or opted into the IEEE Young Professional membership.
- Must have an active IEEE Education Society membership for at least six months prior to the application deadline.
- Must be affiliated with an institution in the IEEE Kerala Section’s region.
- The nominee should have made notable accomplishments in the educational field (e.g., as a Ph.D. student, Postdoc, or faculty member). Contributions in IEEE EdSoc’s field of interest will be prioritized.
- The nominee should have significantly contributed to industry innovation through research, frameworks, products, or standards in the educational field.
Outstanding Professional Member Award
This award recognizes IEEE Professional Members other than Young Professionals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and contributed significantly to IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter activities.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must have an active IEEE Education Society membership for at least six months prior to the application deadline.