IEEE Karachi Section – Technical Seminar Series for 2015
Summarized Report for five technical seminars
By people from Industry, for people of Industry
Setting the trace for other volunteer groups, IEEE Karachi Section (a non-profit, volunteer led group of engineers) made a huge impression this year among Industry, Academia and professionals by introducing “Technical Seminar Series for Professionals”. Having started from April 2015, the technical seminar series continued for back-to back 5 months and has achieved an enormous liking and admiration from professionals from all over the Karachi and the district Sindh.
IEEE Karachi Section in past have organized many such technical seminar workshops of single days. In the year 2014 it managed to organized only two, where as in year 2013 it organized about four, this year in 2015, only by August, 2015 it has achieved a milestone by organizing five back-to-back monthly seminars, where as the plans are to organize three more by the end of year.
In the wake up call for “Electrical safety and its requirements- ESR” among industry workers based not only at Karachi but in whole Pakistan, three of the five seminars were focused on this topic. The details of each seminar along with its topic name are as follows:
1st: ESR- Part #1 – Introduction to Electrical Safety Measures
2nd: Human Error Preventions tool and practices at work
3RD: ESR- Part # 2 – Case studies and requirements
4th: Value proposition of Project Management for Engineering Projects
5th: ESR- Part # 3 – Arc Flash Analysis and Calculations
A brief summary of all five technical seminars is presented in following info graphic.
With each workshop, a feedback form is distributed, collected back and analyzed for making improvements in future seminars. There has been tremendous support and appreciation from some of the regular attendee senior engineers in Karachi Section technical seminar series. The technical seminar team is working to make self-record by hosting eight technical seminars which require three more to be organized by the end of year.
For more details about future technical seminars, follow IEEE Karachi Section website and face book page:
Face book Page: