Partial travel grant for IEEE PSYWC’15

IEEE Pakistan Student/YP/ WIE Congress (PSYWC) is a All-Pakistan 3-Day event held every year in which IEEE Student Branches from all the three IEEE Sections of Pakistan; Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad are invited to participate. Previously it was named as Pakistan Student Congress (PSC).This event gives all branches a platform to sit together and discuss the activities of IEEE Chapters that were done throughout the year.
This year the event is hosted by IEEE CIIT Univ. Islamabad Chapter on 2nd – 4th October 2015 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,Islamabad and Punjab. A number of workshops, seminars and competitions are waiting for you.

It is an excellent opportunity for students of all branches to interact with the students from all over Pakistan and instill a sense of teamwork in them. IEEE Karachi Section has 23 student branches partners and each of it has more than 25+ IEEE Student Members.

This year, IEEE Karachi Section shall be partially (50%) funding in travelling expenses for over 20 selected IEEE Student Members from Karachi Section partnered Universities.

Note: Travelling must be from Train or Daewoo Bus * No Air Plane tickets would be considered

Note: Please also note, selected individuals would be reimbursed the amount/ partial funds once after their return- they are
supposed to submit ticket and other particulars along with it to SAC Chair and SSR.

Applications must submit their application via filling this Google form no later than 12am – 18 September 2015

Late or incomplete submissions would not be considered. For any questions or queries please feel free to email us at [email protected] | [email protected]

Form Link :