Chair of Shanghai NTC Chapter

Prof. Weida Hu (胡伟达)
Head of department
State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: 500 Yu-Tian Road, Shanghai, China
Postcode: 200083
Email address: [email protected]
Research Area
1. Low-dimensional infrared photodetectors/photodiodes/phototransistors: a) device fabrication and physics of two-dimensional material (Black Phosphorus, Black Arsenic–Phosphorus, PdSe, PdSeS, Tellurium, Graphene, TMDs) photodetectors; surface plasmon polariton (SPP) resonance and polarized enhanced two-dimensional material photodetectors; b) device fabrication and physics of narrow band-gap nanowire (InAs, InGaAs, InP) infrared photodetectors/phototransistors.
2. Thin-film infrared photodetectors/photodiodes: device physics, design, and space applications of HgCdTe and Si blocked-impurity-band (BIB) based infrared photodetectors for third-generation infrared remote sensing, such as long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) or two-color infrared photodiodes, very long-wavelength infrared (VLWIR) photodiodes, and infrared avalanche photodiodes (APD).
3. Sensing-memory-processing smart chips based on novel optoelectronic and electronic devices.
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Lastest Update

Nature Communications, 15, 1613 (2024)
Non-volatile rippled-assisted optoelectronic array for all-day motion detection and recognition

Nature Photonics, 18, 60-67 (2024)
On-chip optoelectronic logic gates operating in the telecom band

Nature Communications, 14, 2224 (2023)
How to characterize figures of merit of two-dimensional photodetectors

Past Events
ESIT 2023 Earth & Space:from Infrared to Terahertz International Conference 2023