Joint Institutions Breakfast Seminar: “Snakes and Ladders”

Wellesley Boutique Hotel 2 Maginnity Street, Wellington

All members and guests of the IEEE Central Section, IET Wellington Network, and ENZ Wellington Branch are welcomed to a special event, hosted by all three institutions, on the morning of 1 September 2022, in Central Wellington. The guest speaker for this event is Sir Neville Jordan, a highly regarded New Zealand engineer, entrepreneur, investor, advisor, and philanthropist. Sir Neville will enlighten us with some perspectives on his life journey across these domains. Tickets: $15 for members of any of the hosting organisations, $30 otherwise. Please register at the ENZ website here. Abstract Our lives and careers ebb and flow – positive things happen and so do the negative. As fresh graduates, we start on square one and we think we can pilot ourselves to the magic 100 but unfortunately many things get in the way. This is a perspective from an engineer who went from baking to nuclear engineering and electronics and got into drugs along the way. Introducing Our Speaker Sir Neville Jordan KNZM CNZM, is a graduate engineer and has an honorary Doctorate from Canterbury University. He is a Distinguished Fellow of Engineering New Zealand and was awarded the UK IET Kirby Medal for outstanding eminence and distinction in advanced technology”. Neville has served on numerous and varied Ministerial Advisory committees and Boards for the Australian and NZ governments. He co-founded over 30 science/tech startup companies including his microwave telecommunications company which achieved a successful IPO on the NASDAQ Main Board. He has received the Governor General's Supreme award for Exporting and was inducted into both the NZ Hi-Tech Hall of Fame and the Business Hall of Fame. He is the Past President, Royal Society of NZ, and Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington. He was Knighted in 2015 for “Services to business, science and the community”.   Please see our Events Page for information regarding future events affiliated with the IEEE New Zealand Central Section.