The eighth episode of Protalks series was held on the 28th of December,2024 at 7:00 pm IST on Google meet. The speaker was Dr. Sneha Satish Hedge, A Scientific Researcher and a key IEEE volunteer. The session was on “Bridging Engineering and Advocacy”, talking about how to innovate and participate in sustainable development and act against climate change through engineering. Hanna Anzar, started the event as the anchor and the welcoming address was done by Mr Akshay R S. Then Dr. Sneha Satish Hedge took over the meeting and started the talk session by introducing herself. She ran through her journey, talking about her life at college and the inspirations behind her to pursue research fields. The extensive talk about her feeling lost on what to choose and not knowing how to continue her passion, which led to her being a researcher was very eye-opening for the participants. The conversations continued to her skimming through her journey on IEEE and different positions she led and many initiatives she took due to IEEE. Those experiences were very inspiring and encouraging for the volunteers and participants. After telling about her life experiences in and
out of IEEE, Dr. Sneha Satish hedge moved on to talk about the current conditions regarding climate and how climate change is affecting almost everything. She continued about the difficulties faced by several industries due to climate changes and the current measures taken to overcome them. Explaining the Paris Agreement and National Determined Contributions (NDC) were very informative for the participants and made them understand the current actions taken by governments to face adversities of climate change and to fix them. The session concluded with an interactive question and answer session with the speaker. Which was followed by a photograph session and sharing of virtual memento, which was done by Tinoj Thomas. The session was put to an end by a heartfelt vote of thanks shared by Ms. Anjal P Dijo, at 8:15 pm IST.
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