AGM 2023

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter was held on May 1, 2023, at the IEEE Kerala Section Office. The event aimed to strengthen team dynamics, foster camaraderie, and discuss plans and ideas for the organization. The meeting commenced with a welcome address by Dr. Leesha Paul, followed by team introductions led by Mr. Sajin Sachidanandan, which facilitated networking among the members. Er. C M Varughese, Chair of EdSoc KC, delivered an inaugural address, emphasizing the role of IEEE in personal and professional growth.
The meeting featured a cake-cutting ceremony celebrating 40 years of IEEE Kerala Section, followed by a tea break. Mr. Sajin Sachidanandan presented the Activity Report, highlighting key achievements, while Dr. Ushadevi Amma provided a Financial Report, detailing expenditures and financial plans. Volunteer feedback was gathered by Akshay R S, and various awards were distributed to recognize outstanding contributions.
Dr. Leesha Paul introduced the office bearers for 2024, and a brainstorming session was held to gather event suggestions for the upcoming year. Key contributors were felicitated, and Er. Sajin Sachidanandan expressed gratitude to all participants in the vote of thanks. A lunch break allowed for informal interactions, followed by cultural activities and games that promoted camaraderie and provided entertainment. The meeting concluded with a closing note, summarizing the day’s discussions and reiterating the chapter’s commitment to growth and excellence.
The AGM successfully achieved its objectives of enhancing team dynamics, fostering camaraderie, and exchanging valuable ideas and insights. It provided a platform for learning, networking, and personal growth, ultimately enhancing the overall IEEE experience for the participants. The IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter looks forward to future events that will continue to promote growth, collaboration, and excellence within the organization and its members.

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