AGM 2022

The IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter organized its Annual General Meeting of the year on Sunday, December 4, 2022 from 11.00 AM – 03.00 PM IST. The venue for the event was a houseboat by Neoclassic cruise at Marine Drive, Kochi.

The meeting started off soon after all the 36 members boarded the boat. Prof. Gayathri Manikutty, WiE Activities Chair, IEEE EdSoc KC warmly welcomed all members to the Annual General Meeting. The presidential note was delivered by Er. C M Varughese ,Chair IEEE EdSoc KC. He congratulated all the members for actively contributing to the initiatives and activities of IEEE EdSoc KC in this year.He also recommended to come up with distinct educational activities in less focused areas. Following that, Prof. Muhammed Kasim S, Vice-Chair, IEEE Kerala Section and Founder Chair, IEEE EdSoc KC inaugurated the meeting. He also congratulated all the members for taking part in making the chapter a prominent one in the Kerala Section and at the global level as well. A cake cutting ceremony was also arranged as part of successfully completing another year of IEEE EdSoc KC.

The Advisor’s note was delivered by Dr. K Kesavasamy , Advisor,IEEE EdSoc KC.He advised on the importance of measuring the impact of any initiatives in numbers and figures. That from the next activity onwards the method of impact analysis should be decided along with planning the event as well. He concluded that the future activities should be planned accordingly with a calculated structure for measuring its impact. The EdSoc Activity & Financial Report Presentation was carried out by Dr. Rajesh Joseph Abraham, Joint Secretary , IEEE EdSoc KC.

Following that various, IEEE EdSoc KC awards were announced and distributed. The outstanding YP awards were shared by Mr. Sarath S, Accenture and Harigovind M, TCS. The outstanding Student award winner was Ayisha E A, Federal Institute of Science and Technology. The Educational Activity Award was attained by MEP Workshop conducted by IEEE EdSoc SBC NSS College of Engineering Palakkad.

Mementos were given to those members who got achievements and positions at the global level as a token of appreciation.

Following that a discussion was initiated on planning the activities for the year 2022.Er. C M Varughese initiated the discussions inviting ideas for future discussions. Prof. Muhammed Kasim S put forward the idea of student branch chapters getting more active by coming up with activities in collaboration with other SBCs.Prof. M V Rajesh put forward three suggestions.The ideas were providing a genuine internship platform or portal for students,Portal for migration and higher studies with the help of alumni and also improving the peer to peer learning culture with the SBC s training each other.Dr. K Kesavasamy also put forward an interesting insight on young generation migrating to other countries.Prof. Anil put forward a suggestion to have activities with emphasis on having direct impact rather than conventional educational practices. Prof. Gayathri Manikutty added a point that peer to peer learning culture can be given importance with a student branch chapter adopting or pairing with another sbc.She also suggested in doing activities intended to build startup culture. Dr. Rajesh

Joseph Abraham also agreed to plan and organize activities at other student branches.Prof. Reshna gave a suggestion to give importance on learning through conducting activities.Prof. Yuvaraj put forward the suggestion to improve the reading habit in students and also raised a concern on the impact of parents in choosing the career for their children.Mr. Abhinav Rajeev shared his experience in completing various projects.Mr. Harigovind also shared his experience of the joy of volunteering.Ms. Ayisha E A put forward the suggestions for utilizing the potential of professional members,for conducting professional oriented activities and also participating students out of SLT while doing activities and projects.Mr. Abhinav Rajeev also put forward the plan to propose an HAC Project and conducted a brainstorming session. The AGM was then concluded by Mr. Sarath S with a vote of thanks.

The members of the meeting were of different backgrounds. Professionals and YPs from both Industry and Academia,and a good number of students also gathered together at the AGM.

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