Recent News

Farewell Message of the Past Chair

Farewell Message of the Past Chair
Dear colleagues, scholars, students, friends, stakeholders, and sponsors,
After almost two years, it’s a great pleasure to hand over the Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society – SEIES (CH10901 – Fukuoka Section Jt. Chapter, RFID741/PE31) to my academic advisor Prof. …

Appointment Meeting of the IEEE-SEIES Officers for 2022-2023

The annual officers’ election of the Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society – SEIES (RFD741/PE31 Fukuoka Jt Chapter) was held on 22 December 2021. This reporting aims to elect new officers for 2022 with new commitments for achieving the chapter goals within the IEEE Fukuoka …

2020 Report & 2021 Annual Plan

The SEIES-Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society, in coordination with the partner institutions and sponsors, plan to hold several academic events and conduct various research projects. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with our expert team, please contact us at [email protected].
For more information, …

IEEE Fukuoka Section funds the SEIES

Dr. DANISH Mir Sayed Shah

University of the Ryukyus

The SEIES – Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society (PES & FRID Jt. Chapter) team expresses his gratitude for the IEEE Fukuoka Section for financial and moral support (received on December 9, 2019) that shows their commitment to …

The SEIES-IEEE Inauguration Day


University of the Ryukyus

We are delighted to announce that the Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society-SEIES (PES & FRID Fokouka Joint Chapter) was inaugurated on 30th November 2019, at University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. SEIES was inaugurated by Prof. Tomonobu SENJYU and Dr. …

IES-2019 Symposium

The Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society (SEIES) – RFID and PES Joint Societies Chapter, IEEE Fukuoka Section – Japan Council is pleased to sponsor an on-campus symposium at the University of the Ryukyus. The IES-2019 Symposium on Innovative Energy System for Sustainable Development, which …

The SEIES nauguration Event

The SEIES team is pleased to inaugurate SERIES on 30th November 2019 at the International House Hall, University of the Ryukyus from 09:00-15:00. Attendance of interested all welcomed in advance, just please let us know at least one day ahead of the event by contacting: …