Brief Introduction

IEEE has remained an indispensable part of our academic life since many years ago. This Technical Chapter explores new opportunities, achieve objective targets, link academic to industry, and finally contributes to society for enhancement of humanity. This initiation will enable students to engage with IEEE and deal with recent innovation at the edge of revolution.

The SEIES serves in English and Japanese, remains aligned with Japan IEEE Council, and related societies. In reference to the past impact and enthusiasm, our team put forward to unify academic activities under an integrated endeavor.

Dr. DANISH Mir Sayed Shah is serving as the Founder and Organizer of the IEEE-SEIES, who is appointed as the Chairman of the Chapter for two years 2021-2022 JFY. As per IEEE regulation, eligible candidates being elected for chairing the chapter, must hold the grade of Graduate Student Member, or higher and also be a member of the Society, as well as a member of IEEE for a minimum of six months.

Confirming the worldwide accepted practices, SEIES offers the opportunity for all qualified and interested IEEE members to be candidates as organizing board.