Mentorship Program
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society of Bangalore section is starting a mentorship program for its student members, young professional and early research scholars.
- To increase the membership of CASS
- To mark the presence of IEEE CASS Bangalore vibrant within the Bangalore Section
- To guide all types of members of CASS Bangalore who need right direction in their career
- To educate all types of members 0f CASS Bangalore to take part in the activities of CASS locally and globally so that they get recognitions, awards, prizes and funds to advance their profession
- This mentorship program is offered to the members of IEEE CASS Bangalore.
- It will be extended to all categories of members.
- Initially it will be offered to groups, not individually. As we sign up more mentors we may extend it to individuals.
- Focus should be on increasing the members and impact of CASS Bangalore. To achieve that we may allow non-members as part of groups where one or more are CASS members in the group.
- We will extend mentorship to the followings
- CASS contests locally and globally
- IEEE contests locally and globally
- Best paper and/or best project contest in CASS conferences locally and globally
- Research topics of mutual interests
- More to be added…
Identifying mentors
We shall approach all the members of CASS Bangalore (only) to become mentors. Emphasys should be given to sign up Fellows and Senior Members. But members are also welcome. An email should go out to all the members. From the responses received we shall call for a meeting to discuss the goals, roles and responsibilities of mentors.
Mentor List
We shall create a list of mentors who volunteer to spend time in this program. List their area of expertise, choice of engagement and time commitment.
Spread the word
We shall consult with IEEE Bangalore Section to know the best way to start the program. Most likely an e-notice followed by a series of meetings with the student branches will be the course of action.
Identifying contest/conference/event
We shall identify any of the above to start the program with immediate effect. Connect the groups with the mentors. Monitor the progress. Help at the hour of need.
IEEE CAS badge, T shirt etc. will be given to every person as a gift, once the membership is complete for the current year. Workshop should be organized in a current year, free membership can be given for the next year along with the T shirt.
Discounted membership
The students will get discounted membership fee who are part of mentoring program.