Dear IEEE Vic. Vehicular Technology Society members
we have two talks by a visiting Vehicular Technology Distinguished Lecturer – one is face-to-face only and the details are as follows.
Topic: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Date & Time: Thursday 30 May 2024 from 17:00 to 19:30
Speaker: Prof Kamesh Namuduri, University of North Texas
Location: Virtual RMIT Building 80. Level 04, Room 20, 435-457 Swanston St, Melbourne, 3000
Contact: Enn Vinnal ([email protected]) or Golnar Khomami ([email protected])
Hosts: IEEE Victorian Section Vehicular Technology & ComSoc Chapters
It would be great to get together again listen to this talk and network as well. So do come along. The other event is a virtual one bring broadcast by the New Zealand North Island VTS Chapter and the details for that are:
Topic: Autonomy In Airspace
Date & Time: 27 May 2024, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm (UTC+12:00 Auckland)
Speaker: Professor Kamesh Namuduri of University of North Texas
Zoom link: Zoom link will be emailed to registered virtual participants one day before the event.
Volunteering for VT-S Victorian Chapter committee?
All of the IEEE Chapters in Victoria are run by volunteers. If you’d like to join the VTS Chapter committee, organise events and meet leading presenters from Australia and around the World, then contact us at [email protected].
Regards, Enn
Enn Vinnal, IEEE Vic. VTS Chapter Chair.