

In all instances, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Constitution, IEEE Bylaws and Constitution, IEEE Policies, and the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Operations Manual will prevail when there is a conflict between these documents and IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY SRI LANKA CHAPTER BYLAWS.


  •  Article -1 Name and Territory
  •  Article -2 Officers
  •  Article -3 Management
  •  Article -4 Nomination and Election of Officers
  •  Article -5 Business Meetings
  •  Article -6 Finances
  •  Article -7 Amendments

ARTICLE l – Name and Territory

Section 1.1

This organization shall be known as the IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY SRI LANKA CHAPTER, here in after called the IEEE-CSSL Chapter.

Section 1.2

The territory of the IEEE-CSSL, as approved by MGA, includes the following.

The territory of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter shall consist of all territorial limits of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.


ARTICLE II – Officers

Section 2.1(a)

The elected executive officers of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter shall be

  • Chair
  • Chair-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Editor

Section 2.1(b)

The following officers of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter shall be appointed by the Chapter Chair.

Two committee members

Section 2.1(c)

These three members will be assigned to carry out the responsibilities of the IEEE-CSSL.

  • Women in Computing Activities
  • Student Activities
  • Young Professionals Activities

Section 2.2

The terms of office of the elected officers shall be for a period of one year. The consecutive period of service of any officer shall not exceed two years.

Section 2.3

The term of office shall normally be from 1st January through 31st December. An officer will continue in the position until a successor has been duly elected and takes office.

Any vacancy occurring during the terms of office shall be filled by a majority vote of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee.

Section 2.4

The duties of the elected officers will be available from IEEE MGA Operations Manual, IEEE Bylaws, and IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE).


ARTICLE III – Management

Section 3.1

The management of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter shall be by the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee which shall consist of the elected officers, the Past Chapter Chair and the following: Two appointed committee members.

Section 3.2

A majority of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum, provided that delegates elected by the chapter membership are at least one greater in number than delegates appointed to the Committee.

Section 3.3

A majority of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee present shall be necessary in the conduct of its business

Section 3.4

Meetings of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee ordinarily will be held bi- monthly and will be called by the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Chair or by a request of any seven members of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee.

Section 3.5

The fiscal year of the chapter shall be 1st April-31st March.

Section 3.6

The duties of the elected officers will be available from IEEE MGA Operations Manual, IEEE Bylaws, and IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE).


ARTICLE IV – Nomination and Election of Officers

Section 4.1

A Nominating Officer, not belonging to the Executive Committee of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter will be appointed by the IEEE-SL section Chair with the approval of the IEEE- SL Executive Committee.

A Nominating Officer, not belonging to the Executive Committee of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter will be appointed by the IEEE SRI LANKA ( IEEE-SL) SECTION Chair with the approval of the IEEE-SL Executive Committee.

Section 4.2

The nominations of the Nominating Officer will be announced to the IEEE-CSSL Chapter membership and, following this, a minimum of 14 days allowed for additional nominations by petition. To be valid, the petition must be signed by ten or more voting members or 2% of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter membership, whichever is fewer.

Section 4.3

If only one nomination is made for each office, the election will be made at the Annual Meeting. If two or more nominations are made for the post/office, then the election will be carried out by secret ballot. The vote shall be counted by the Nominating Officer.

The Nominating Officer should hand-over the results to the incumbent Chair of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter before the Annual General Meeting. The formal results will be declared at the Annual General Meeting by the incumbent Chair of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter.

Section 4.4

A plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary for election.


ARTICLE V – Business Meeting

Section 5.1

In order to transact business at a IEEE-CSSL Chapter (AGM), at least 13 members (or 10% of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter membership, whichever is fewer) must be present to constitute a quorum.


ARTICLE VI – Finances

See financial procedures in MGA Operations Manual Section 9.6.G.Financial Management of Chapter Funds.

Section 6.1

All the financial transactions of the chapter funds must be approved by the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee and executed by IEEE-CSSL Chapter Treasurer and Chair.

Section 6.2

Without prior authorization of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee, IEEE- CSSL Chapter funds can be used only for normal operations of the chapter. (See IEEE Policy & Procedure 11.4)

Without prior authorization of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee, IEEE- CSSL Chapter funds can be used only for normal operations of the chapter. (See IEEE POLICIES SECTION 11 – IEEE FINANCIAL MATTERS)

Section 6.3

Either IEEE-CSSL Chapter Treasurer or Chair shall be authorized to draw funds as approved by the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee.


ARTICLE VII – Amendments

Section 7.1

Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may originate in the IEEE-CSSL Chapter Executive Committee or by a petition signed by 20 or more voting members or 2% of the IEEE-CSSL Chapter membership, whichever is fewer.

Section 7.2

Amendments to or revocation of these Bylaws shall be in accordance with the IEEE Constitution, IEEE Bylaws, IEEE Policies, and the MGA Operations Manual.