Nawodya Ishan Nimeshana | Undergraduate | Sri Lanka Technological Campus

The Google Summer of Code (GSOC) is a global program that matches students with open source. GSOC Uses free software and technology. & also related organizations to write code. The main idea is to get students involved in and familiar with the open-source community. Goals of the Program Inspire young developers to begin participating in open source development. Help open source projects identify and bring in new developers. Get more open source code written and released for the benefit of all. GSOC’s whole program is maintained by students, mentors & organizations. Importance of the program the student will get to learn about the working of an industry in just 3 months. The student’s software development skills will be enhanced during this period. You will build a network of people having the same mindset.

As the inauguration project for the year 2021, the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter has decided to hold an awareness session about Google Summer of Code as Path to GSOC. What is Google Summer of code? How does it work? What is the purpose of Google Summer of Code? History about it and How to explain how to apply. This webinar provides inspiration to university students who are interested in coding, as well as those who do not understand computer coding. This awareness session will be a milestone for Undergraduates who are interested in software development and for those who want to gain some knowledge about the Google Summer of Code. n a competitive education system, academic knowledge alone is not enough, practical knowledge is also very important. Practical knowledge is especially important in the field of information and communication technology. This webinar is very important for students studying Information and Communication Technology as they have the potential to gain a great deal of practical knowledge through Google Summer of Code. This session would be interesting for those who love coding like to do innovative things, and also for students who don’t know the way this program is proceeding.

The targeted audience of this webinar was Information and Communication Engineering students, The students from the school of computing of SLTC. Other SLTC students who are interested in coding and innovations. In this project, there was good industry exposure for competitors participating in Google Summer of Code due to the involvement of industry organizations in Google Summer of Code. Indeed, this was a successful project as the inauguration project for the year 2021.