[15 Nov 2024] Seminar: General Synthesis Theory for Microwave “X + Filtering + Y” Systems – Prof. Ke-Li Wu

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Ke-Li Wu

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Abstract: Coupled resonator bandpass filters play a crucial role in RF and microwave communication systems.  The performance, formation ecology, and design philosophy of filters not only determine the signal-to-noise ratio and scalability of a communication system, but also impact the ecosystem of the RF front end of future communication systems as massive MIMO systems have become the mainstream of wireless communication air interfaces. Applications such as filter + antenna, filter + power amplifier  (PA), PA + filter + antenna, and X + filtering + Y subsystem will continue to emerge.

The general synthesis theory for frequency-variant complex impedance-loaded filters is the most rigorous, concise, and universal theory for analytically synthesizing X + filtering + Y microwave systems.  The theory not only reveals the relationship between coupled resonator filter networks and complex frequency-variant loads, but also suggests the optimal design of filtering networks to improve system performance. This presentation will start by reviewing the basic properties of filter functions and their relevance to filter networks, introducing the fundamental concepts embedded in this comprehensive theory and its evolution over the past 20 years, and exploring its various practical engineering applications, including the synthesis of complex multi-port filtering networks, and a recent case study on the synthesis and design of an integrated monolithic dual-polarized antenna-loaded filter module.

Contact Person: Dr. Richard Xian-Ke GAO, A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing; E-mail: [email protected]

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