About Us
One Decade in Service by IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter
The IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter was co-founded by Prof. See Kye Yak (NTU) and Dr. Li Er-Ping (A*STAR IHPC) in April 2001. Over the period of more than one decade, the Singapore EMC chapter has sustainably grown from a humble chapter to a bigger chapter both in terms of number of members, activities and finance. Till the end of 2009, the EMC chapter was proud to have more than forty members from industrial companies, academia and research institutions in Singapore. The EMC chapter values and serves its members by continuously organizing various technical seminars both of academia and industrial nature, workshops with a discounted registration fee to its members, and organizing social events for chapter members and their family members once or twice a year. The EMC chapter also serves the local EMC community by organizing seminars, workshops, and EMC contests to exchanging and disseminating knowledge in the areas of EMC. Throughout the years, the EMC chapter has been very supportive to the IEEE Singapore student braches, e.g, sponsored the activity by the NTU student branch in 2006, and the IEEE 125th Anniversary R10 Student Congress jointly organized by the NUS and NTU student braches in 2009 .
The Singapore EMC chapter has successfully organized two big events, i.e., the international Asia-Pacific Symposium on EMC (APEMC) in conjunction with the international Zurich Symposium on EMC in 2006 and 2008, respectively. For the first time, the renowned European conference, i.e., the EMC Zurich conference, was held at a country outside the Europe, thanks to the excellent efforts by Dr. LI Er-Ping (the then Singapore EMC chapter chair). The EMC chapter hosted the IEEE Region 10 EMC Chapter Retreat and a dialogue meeting between the IEEE EMC Society President and members of the Singapore EMC Chapter during the 2006 EMC Zurich conference in Singapore. The EMC chapter has also sponsored several other conferences technically and/or financially, e.g., the APMC conference in 2009 and APEMC conference in 2010.
The chapter successfully won twice the Most-Improved-Chapter bestowed by the IEEE EMC Society in 2005 and 2007, respectively. In July this year, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the Singapore EMC chapter was presented the 2010 Chapter-of-the-Year award by the IEEE EMC Society which has more than seventy chapters globally.
The Singapore EMC chapter wishes to thank all its members for their continuous support and contribution. Special thanks go to the many volunteers of the EMC chapter, especially the past executive committee members for their wonderful contribution, valuable time and excellent efforts to make the chapter as is today. Last but not least, the Singapore EMC chapter appreciates the trust and support from the IEEE EMC Society.
Looking forward – the Singapore EMC Chapter will continue its humble but persistent commitment to serve its members, the societies and the communities.
By En-Xiao Liu, August 03, 2010