Dr. Gao Si-Ping received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2020) for the paper "Characterizing Microwave Connectors over Temperatures Using Thermal-stable Standards".
Dr. Wang Lin Biao won the 2019 IEEE EMC-S Young Professional Award for his contributions to high-speed electronics simulation and for dedicated service to the Singapore EMC Chapter.
Dr. Richard Gao Xian Ke received the Technical Achievement Award from IEEE EMC Society in 2019 for
contributions to robust design technology and metamaterial-based filtering techniques for EMC.
Dr. Liu En-Xiao received Symposium Chair Award from IEEE EMC Society in 2019 for his leadership and dedication as General Chairman of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on EMC.
Several EMC Chapter members received Certificate of Appreciation at the 2018 Joint IEEE EMC and APEMC Symposium for their outstanding service to the symposium in different roles.
Dr. Gao Si-Ping received the Outstanding Young Scientist Award at the 2018 Joint IEEE EMC and APEMC Symposium for outstanding contribution to numerical and analytical methods for EMC, SI and PI problems.
Dr. Gao Si-Ping received the Young Investigator Training Program (YITP) Award from the 21th IEEE Signal and Power Integrity (SPI) Workshop held in Baveno, Italy in 2017.
Dr. Gao Si-Ping received the Young Scientist Award at URSI GASS 2017 in Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Liu En-Xiao received the Technical Achievement Award from IEEE EMC Society in 2016 for outstanding contributions to the circuit-field modeling of high-speed integrated circuits, packages, and printed circuit boards.
Dr. Gao Si-Ping, Dr. Lee Hui Min, Dr. Richard Gao Xian-Ke and Dr. Liu En-Xiao received the Best Symposium Paper Award at the APEMC 2016 for the paper "Common-Mode Filter using Cavity-Backed Defected Ground Structure for Multilayer PCB".
Prof. See Kye Yak received 2016 Outstanding Volunteer Award from IEEE Singapore Section.
Dr. Zhao Huapeng won the Young Scientist Award from APEMC 2016 for outstanding contribution to the development of efficient numerical solution for EMC problems.
Dr. Li Erping was conferred the “2015 Richard Stoddart Award for Outstanding Performance” for his outstanding contribution on developing novel modeling techniques to solve complex EMC problems, 3D IC and system Integration devices”.
Dr. Zhao Huapeng received the Young Scientist Award at the first Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC 2015).
Dr. Zhao Huapeng received the Young Scientist Award at the URSI GASS 2014.
Prof. See Kye Yak received the 2012 Outstanding Long-Service Award from the IEEE EMC Society for the vision, and for outstanding contribution and leadership in ten years of service to the IEEE EMC Singapore Chapter.
2011 Chaper-of-the-Year Award
"2011 Chapter of the Year" award, IEEE EMC-S 2012 Conference, Pittsburg, Aug. 2012.
2010 Chapter-of-the-Year Award
"2010 Chapter of the Year" award, IEEE EMC-S 2010 Conference, Florida, July 2010.
Plaque received from the APEMC 2010 conference.
2007 Most Improved Chapter Award
"Most Improved Chapter" award, IEEE EMC-S 2007 Conference, Hawaii, July 2007.
Prof. See Kye Yak received the Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE EMC Society in 2007 for service as a speaker at the "Global EMC University" that debuted at the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on EMC.
Prof. See Kye Yak received the Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE Singapore Section in recognition and appreciation of his valued services and contribution as Chair of Singapore EMC Chapter.
Prof. See Kye Yak received the Certificate of Appreciation from EMC-Zurich in Singapore 2006.
2005 Most Improved Chapter Award
Prof. See Kye Yak received the Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE EMC Society in 2004