Women in Engineering Affinity Group

The Women in Engineering Affinity Group was founded to promote the significant contributions women have made in our field and encourage others to pursue such a career. The Group often hosts events designed to promote its values to students and experts in the engineering industry. Please stay tuned to this website if you are interested.

If you are interested in joining the WIE Group, please contact a member of our leadership, below.

For more information on Women in Engineering and other activities across the globe, please visit IEEE WIE.

Blog posts

  • EnergyBank has contacted the Women in Engineering Affinity Group with an opportunity for Mechatronic/Mechanical Engineering students to join them in a temporary capacity. A ten-week paid (living wage) internship is available to tertiary students, and a six-month position to PhD graduates ($70k p.a.). If you are ...

  • Applications are now open for the IEEE Frances B. Hugle Scholarship and the new IEEE Women in Engineering International Scholarship. IEEE Frances B. Hugle Scholarship The scholarship was established to honour the memory of Frances B. Hugle, her many significant engineering accomplishments, and to help provide the ...

  • Why WIE Session
    06 July 2022

    WIE NZCS conducted an event to engage and promote female engineers. IEEE Women in Engineering strives to provide assistance in supporting female professionals in technical disciplines. In this session, we share our experiences of being in the vibrant community of IEEE WIE, development programs, membership ...

  • To all IEEE NZ Central Section members, I take this opportunity to thank you for the contributions you have made to our Affinity group since it started. As the world celebrates women’s day, we need to remind ourselves that we are better together and we shouldn’t ...

  • WIE: call for support
    01 January 2022

    The NZCS is very excited to announce that it has obtained approval to form a Women in Engineering Affinity Group. We aim to identify issues of importance to women in the engineering field and to network and share our experiences. If you are interested, please ...

Committee members

Kanwal Zaidi

Women in Engineering Chair

Innovation Technologist at Massey University

Bing Xue

Women in Engineering Coordinator, Computer Intelligence Society Chapter Secretary

Professor of Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington

Fangfang Zhang


Lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington

Qi Chen

Membership Coordinator, Women in Engineering Coordinator

Lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington