Latest Past Events
Distribution Reliability and Resiliency Assessment and Improvement
James Cook University 506-117 1 James Cook Dr, Douglas QLD 4814, TownsvillePresented by: Dr. Julio Romero Agüero IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Business Innovation at Quanta Technology Presentation Contents This presentation will provide an overview of leading industry practices, standards and methodologies for evaluation and improvement of reliability and resiliency of distribution systems, including the following aspects: Review of IEEE 1366-2012 Standard: including key definitions (outage, interruption, major event days, failure rates; mean-times-to-repair; etc.); distribution reliability indices (SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI, MAIFI, CEMI, etc.); major event exclusion methodology (2.5 beta method); resiliency, resiliency metrics, and application examples. Classic and modern distribution reliability and resiliency improvement practices: including overcurrent protection philosophies (fuse saving, fuse clearing); reclosing (single-phase reclosing/lockout, three-phase reclosing/lockout, singlephase reclosing/three-phase lockout); distribution feeder automation (half-loop schemes, full-loop schemes, Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR), fault circuit indicators, and sensors); vegetation management; weather hardening; aging infrastructure replacement; outage management and restoration (fault location, upstream/downstream restoration); real-time monitoring, protection, automation, control, and operations; utility enterprise systems (SCADA, OMS and AMI); and DER applications (microgrids and NWA). Distribution reliability and resiliency modeling and simulation: review of software tools for distribution reliability modeling and analysis (CYME, Synergi, etc.); historical data analysis; model calibration; predictive reliability modeling; parametric modeling; benefit-cost analysis and prioritization; and development of reliability and resiliency improvement roadmaps. Case studies: examples of distribution reliability and resiliency improvement roadmaps for real-life power distribution systems
Date: Thursday, 7th December 2023 Time: 18:00 - 19:00 AEST Location: Online Zoom Meeting Meeting Link: Available upon request from the current IEEE chair The IEEE Northern Australia Section Annual General Meeting is set to convene on Thursday, the 7th of December, through an online Zoom meeting. To participate, interested individuals can request the meeting link from the current IEEE chair. This virtual gathering aims to facilitate collaboration and set goals moving forward into the next calendar year. Crucially, the new executive committee for the next calendar year will be elected.
Industry Night Celebration – Igniting Achievement, Cultivating Connections in the Energy Horizon
James Cook University 15-014 1 James Cook Dr, Douglas, TownsvilleDate: Tuesday 21st November 2023, 4:00*pm - 5:00 pm Location: Building 015-Room 014, James Cook University, Townsville Sponsored by: IEEE PES YP Ignition Project Embark on an exciting Industry Night Celebration with us! Specifically tailored for students and young professionals in the dynamic energy sector, this event promises a blend of celebration and insight. Join us as we celebrate recent successes, engage in discussions on the Regional Energy Transformation, and seize an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded peers. Scheduled Activities: 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM: Pre-event drinks. 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM: Welcome Address. Energy Professionals' Insights by JCU Alumni from the local power energy industry. Success story sharing by JCU engineering students. 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM: Photo and Networking. Refreshments & Networking Opportunities. RSVP for catering purposes: Sunday 19th November 2023 email Dr Jiajia Yang: jiajia.yang@jcu.edu.au