The IEEE Mongolia Subsection Annual Meeting was successfully held online on 22nd of December 2021.
Dr. B.Ochirbat, Head of the Mongolia Subsection, opened the annual meeting. Deepak Mathur, Director of IEEE Region 10, attended the meeting, gave a presentation on the Region 10 activities and future plans, and wished success to the future operation of the Mongolia Subsection.
During Region 10 directors’ speech, IEEE Mongolia Subsection was selected as one of the three most active subsections out of 9 subsections in 2021.
The next part of the conference introduced the internal and external activities of the Mongolia subsection in 2021 and activities done by the members.
The meeting reviewed the work of Subsection in 2021 and received suggestions from the members to include in the work of the next year. Many valuable suggestions from members will be incorporated into next year’s work.