Join the Award-Winning IEEE PES Kerala Chapter

Network with over 2000 engineering professionals in the State of Kerala, India

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Come to Our Next Meeting: January 1st, 2021

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IEEE PES Kerala Chapter was founded in the year 1999, with a membership of 12. PES Kerala Chapter won Outstanding Chapter Award in 2012 and PES Membership Growth Award for the year 2013 in the small chapter category and was adjudged first place in the IEEE PES Chapters Web site Contest in 2013. The chapter membership grew from 426 in 2015 to 657 in 2016 and 1207 in 2017. The higher grade membership also grew from 67 in 2015, 115 in 2016, becoming a large chapter and 150 in 2017. Senior Membership grew from 13 in 2015 to 30 in 2016 and 33 in 2017 and 100+ professional members in 2019.

Our mission is to be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for our members. The scope of the Society embraces research, development, planning, design, construction, maintenance, installation and operation of equipment, structures, materials and power systems for the safe, sustainable, economic and reliable conversion, generation, transmission, distribution, storage and usage of electric energy, including its measurement and control.

Dear IEEE PES Volunteers,

Greetings! Let me welcome you all to the new year of IEEE PES Volunteering. I had attended the R10 Chapter Chair Meeting held in Singapore on 01 November 2022 along with some of our PES SB Chapter Chairs. I understand that, the world is looking at us based on the quantity and quality of programmes we have undertaken so far. As the largest PES Chapter in the world, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter is more responsible now. We will continue this spirit and vibrancy of volunteering in the year of 2023 as well.

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter is the Outstanding Large Chapter Award (OCA) Winner of 2021. I am sure that the Chapter has performed with the same spirit in 2022. PES Kerala Chapter has also won the High Performing IEEE PES Chapter Award for 2021. Kerala Chapter has a total 45 Student Chapters, out of which 39 Chapters are active. 36 SBCs have won High Performing SBC Award from Head Quarters for a total amount of more than $10000. IEEE PES Kerala Chapter has also won the Social Media Activities Award for 2021.

The Chapter has conducted more than 150 activities including more than 60 activities by Kerala Chapter and the PES Kerala Chapter and more than 90 activities by various PES Student Branch Chapters. PES Kerala Chapter has conducted the very successful events like Student-YP Award Meet up, PES SBC Chair’s Meet 2022, PES Professional Members Meet-up, All Kerala PES Student Congress (AKPESSC 2022), STEP 2022 etc. Also, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter actively participated in the IEEE Kerala Section events and important conference like Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit (WiE ILS 2022) held at Kovalam Thiruvananthapuram and INDICON 2022 held at Cochi.

Our very senior volunteers have won several recognitions. PES Kerala Chapter’s Immediate Past Chair, Er. A Suhair has won the MGA Award for the outstanding contribution to IEEE. Also, PES Kerala Chapter Life Senior Member, Er. AG Hareendralal has won the IEEE India Council Lifetime Achievement Award for the Best Section Chair. PES Chapter Vice Chair Dr. Boby Philip has been recently nominated as the secretary of the PES India Chapter Council. IEEE PES Kerala Chapter is retaining the largest Global Chapter position in the world with a total membership count of more than 3500 which consists of an enormous numbers of student members who contribute continuously for the chapter’s success in maintaining our position of the largest PES society in the world.

My wishes again for a successful volunteering year 2023!

With Warm Regards

Dr. Ajith Gopi
Chair, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter

IEEE PES Kerala Chapter Officers

About IEEE and PES

What is IEEE?

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.


What is the IEEE Power & Energy Society?

The mission of IEEE Power & Energy Society is to be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and preferred professional development source of its members.