IEEE Education Society (EdSoc) Kerala Chapter organized a webinar session on the topic ‘Causal AI-Opportunities and Challenges’ on Friday, 22nd April 2022 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM IST. The resource person for the session was Mr. Ramprakash Ramamoorthy. He is the Director of AI Research at Zoho Corporation and has over 10 years of experience in building AI for enterprises. The specific objective of the event was to provide a proper introduction to the everchanging world of Causal AI, and the opportunities and challenges faced by this field of technology to the attendees.
To commence the event, Ms. Sruthi S Nair from the Student Team of IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter cordially invited Prof. Gayathri M, WIE Activities Chair of IEEE EdSoc KC to address everyone with a welcome note. Prof. Gayathri accepted the invitation and on the behalf of IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter, she welcomed and invited the respected resource person for the session.In response to the invitation, Mr. Ramprakash Ramamoorthy came forward for the session. Following the session, the platform was opened for Q&A. Mr.Ramprakash addressed all the queries with detailed explanations. Finally, thanking Mr. Ramprakash Ramamoorthy for the wonderful session, a virtual memento was presented to him as a token of gratitude on behalf of the IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter. Following that, a virtual photograph was taken as a souvenir of the great session. With the event reaching its conclusion, Ms. Sruthi invited Dr.Rajesh Joseph Abraham, Joint Secretary, IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter for a thanking note. In response to that, Dr.Rajesh came forward and expressed gratitude to the resource person and all the attendees on behalf of the IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter. With that thanking note, the event was concluded.
The beneficiaries of the event were students and professionals from various fields of science and technology who were interested in building technical knowledge on present-day Causal AI. The session was open to all regardless of their domain. With his years of experience at ZOHO Corporation, Mr. Ramprakash Ramamoorthy has deep knowledge and expertise in designing and building software technologies. Through the session, he gave an overview of the importance of building technologies in our country stating the example of ZOHO labs, and also gave an idea of the current scenario of the evolution of causal AI. To give more insight into the topic, he gave a brief idea on the difference between human and AI technology, causality, correlation, the opportunities and challenges in building AI, etc. He also gave a glimpse into the work-life at ZOHO corp. The session was concluded by Mr.Ramprakash with a few relevant questions for the attendees to ponder upon so that it could instill some thoughts in their minds that could help the future of AI.
In short, the webinar hosted by IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter was successful in helping the participants get acquainted with the world of causal AI. And also they got an overview of the possibilities and future scopes of Causal AI so that they can contribute to the future evolution of AI for the betterment of humanity.