
The primary goal of the event was to equip pre-university students with a strong foundational understanding of engineering, including practical skills, soft skills, and an overall orientation to the field. The event aimed to address the gap in engineering education, focusing on both technical and non-technical aspects essential for successful careers in engineering. Given that engineering education is typically absent from school curricula, the event aimed to bridge this gap by training a select group of students with the specific skills required to excel as engineers.
1. Inauguration: The event commenced with an official inauguration, graced by the presence of Er C M Varughese, the Chair of IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter. The inaugural session set the tone for the day’s activities.
2. Session on ‘Engineering Branches and their Scope’: Er Vyasan J, the Vice-Chair – Technical Activities of IEEE EdSoc Global YP Team AdHoc, conducted a one-hour session. He elucidated the concept, scope, and significance of engineering, and explored the various branches ofengineering. The session assisted students in comprehending how to select their preferred field of study based on their interests and the available courses.
3. Empowering Future Engineers through Innovation: Dr. Bijoy A Jose, a Former Software Architect of Intel Corporation, conducteda session emphasizing the role of engineers as agents of change through technology-driven innovation. He highlighted the importance of innovation, the unconventional problem-solving mindset of engineers, and ways students can nurture their innovator’s mindset.
4. Panel Discussion on ‘Shaping the Engineers of Tomorrow’: A panel discussion featuring Er C M Varughese, Dr. Elizabeth Rita Samuel, and Dr. M. V. Rajesh delved into the strategies pre-university students can adopt to equip themselves for success in the competitive 21st-century engineering landscape. The discussion covered holistic development, essential skill sets, and adapting to the corporate world’s demands.
5. Enhancing Soft Skills for Technical Excellence: Maya Menon, Founder of Mind Empowered, led the final session. She stressed the significance of both technical and soft skills in an engineer’s journey. Through interactive activities, engaging games, and anecdotes, Maya Menon facilitated learning about public speaking, interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and emotional resilience—essential soft skills for thriving in the engineering profession.

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