IEEE Education Society (EdSoc) Kerala Chapter organized a webinar session on the topic ‘Can Science and Technology Help Save Planet Earth?’ on 20th March 2022 at 7:00 PM IST. The session was organized for high school students across Kerala and was handled by Mr. Akshay Nagarajan, Cognitive Science Robotics Researcher at the University of California Co-Founder of the 2nd Foundation Makerspace.

To commence the event, Mr. Antony Senson from the Student Team of IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter cordially invited Prof. Gayathri M, WIE Activities Chair of IEEE EdSoc KC to address everyone with a welcome note. Prof. Gayathri accepted the invitation and on behalf of IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter, she welcomed and invited the respected resource person for the session.

In response to the invitation, Mr. Akshay Nagarajan came forward for the session. Mr. Akshay began the session with an overview of the importance of the topic in the current scenario. To give more insight into the topic, he gave a brief idea about what science and technology actually stand for. With an engaging interaction with the audience, Mr. Akshay gave a glimpse into some of the projects that he worked on and gave the participants a chance for critical examination of those projects, namely Pepe – Social Robot to promote handwashing and ROSA – a brain surgery robot. Following

that, he also gave an overview of the need to follow ethics in technology with real-world examples. With that overview, Mr. Akshay concluded his session.

Following the session, the platform was opened for Q&A. In response to that, a number of queries were raised by the participants. Mr. Akshay addressed all the queries with detailed explanations. Finally, thanking Mr. Akshay Nagarajan for the wonderful session, a virtual memento was presented to him as a token of gratitude on behalf of the IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter. Following that, a virtual photograph was taken as a souvenir of the great session.

With the event reaching its conclusion, Mr. Antony invited Dr. Leesha Paul, Vice-Chair of IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter for a thanking note. In response to that, Dr. Leesha came forward and expressed gratitude to the resource person and all the attendees on behalf of the IEEE EdSoc Kerala Chapter. With that thanking note, the event was concluded.