An IEEE Consultants Network is an invaluable resource for consulting information. You will meet experienced practitioners as well as others new to consulting. Speakers discuss broad range of topics. The network is also a source of potential clients. 

If you are an IEEE member, a consultant or considering becoming a consultant of engineering services you could benefit from associating with CNAG-KS

Thus, IEEE Consultants Network is meant to be a grouping of professional consultants from within IEEE as well as from the industry, who render a variety of public services to clients in the locality. In Kerala Section, the CNAG is currently in a take-off stage, and we hope to enrol consultants in the coming days in order to to create a roster of skills sets.

CNAG-KS will offer the following public services that would benefit society at large:

Providing a roster of professionals experienced in different domains (such as Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Project Management, Technology Development, Software Development, Solution Visualization, Project Monitoring etc) who may be sourced for work on a professional basis

Support innovation for the full range of users from established enterprises to start-ups

Providing value-added services such as project incubation support, product design, life-cycle management that require a great deal of experience.