Sixth Webinar by Adnan Bukhari

webinar-6.0_Adnan BukhariIEEE Young Professionals Karachi have initiated an idea of holding series of online session in which you will get the opportunity to listen & interact with one of the best professionals across the globe from recognize organizations.

The purpose of the session was to share their experiences with young and energetic graduates who wish to pursue such careers in future. The session enabled to get an insight know-how about that profession and that particular career path. The webinar was followed by a Q/A session.

Guest: Adnan Bukhari

Organization: Sr. Technical Architect / Manager at First American Title based off Orange County, California USA.
Bio: Adnan is a multifaceted Technology Leader with unique blend of business and technical acumen. His comprehensive experience spans enterprise architecture, systems integration, solutions development, business continuity and strategy. He has also served as Sr. Architect at San Diego Gas & Electric, Sr. Business Consultant at Bea Systems & Principal Integration Consultant at Albertsons.
He holds a Master of Science (MS), Management Information Systems from South Dakota State University & MCS, Computer Science from Karachi University.

Webinar Date: Saturday, 19th September, 2015

Webinar Video Recording: View Here