Karachi Section Participation R10 Congress 2015

In 2011, Auckland got the opportunity to unveil the calm serenity of the Southern hemisphere to IEEE Region 10. In 2013, it was Hyderabad who mesmerized the Region 10 with rich eloquent culture. In 2015, which nation will embrace the IEEE Region 10 Student|Young Professionals|WIE Congress as the hosts? SRI LANKA! Yes, you read it correct, it is going to be Sri Lanka this year.

Key events of the congress:

  • Workshops, Learning Labs & Panel Discussions – To share knowledge on latest inclusions to IEEE, get familiar with existing tools and services and share experiences with fellow IEEE members.
  • Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony – Provides ample opportunity for participants to network and share thoughts.

Together with dinner, the award ceremony will take place to recognize and reward achievements of IEEE members obtained during the past two years.

  • Cultural Night – This will be staged for participants to showcase the culture and traditions of their countries. Each country will display their exhibits and cultural performances to others.


Mr Ahsan Saeed Received the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award at IEEE Region 10 Student/YP/WIE Congress 2015, Srilanka for exemplary contributions to IEEE Young Professionalsin Region 10 and for continuous support to the IEEE Academic project.

Five person delegates from Karachi Section got an opportunity to attend this event. In which three were Excom members and three were students who were selected after closely looking into their profiles and their work .

  1. Sarang Sheikh ( General Secretary)
  2. Ahsan Saeed (MD Officer)
  3. Murtaza Hanif (SAC Chair)
  4. Ahsan Qamar (NED student)
  5. Hanan Doudpouta (ISRA Uni Stundent)
  6. Utam (Hamdard Uni Student)


These three students also have shared there individual experiences which can be found in the end .


Following are the glimpse:

Ahsan Receiving the award

Ahsan Receiving the award

Pakistan Delegation with R10 Director

Pakistan Delegation with R10 Director

Performing in cultural night

Performing in cultural night

Karachi Section with Bangladesh Section

Karachi Section with Bangladesh Section

Performing in cultural night

Performing in cultural night




[gview file=”http://www.ieeekhi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Ahsan-IEEE-Region-10-SYWC-Congress-Colombo-Srilanka-Report.pdf”] [gview file=”http://www.ieeekhi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Hanan-IEEE-Region-10-SYWC-Congress-Colombo-Srilanka-Report.pdf”] [gview file=”http://www.ieeekhi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Utam-IEEE-Region-10-SYWC-Congress-Colombo-Srilanka-Report.pdf”]