Fifth Webinar by Mr. Zeeshan Naseh

Zeeshan NasehIEEE Young Professionals Karachi have initiated an idea of holding series of online session in which you will get the opportunity to listen & interact with one of the best professionals across the globe from recognize organizations.

The purpose of the session would be to share there experiences with young and energetic graduates who wish to pursue such careers in future. The session would enable to get an insight know-how about that profession and that particular career path. The webinar would be followed by a Q/A session.

Guest: Zeeshan Naseh

Organization: Founder, President & CEO Connectloud, Inc. USA

Bio:  Connectloud’s uCloud™ is the IT industry’s first Software-Defined Cloud™.

Zeeshan is a veteran Silicon Valley technology executive who also built the cloud services business at Cisco Systems from whiteboard to global field launch and growth to more than $1 billion in revenue. Zeeshan also is an inventor who holds more than 20 technology patents in Data Center and Cloud, and he has authored a number of technical books and whitepapers. He earned his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from the University of Arizona.

Date: Saturday, 29 August, 2015

Webinar Recording: Available Here