Event Speakers

Day 1 : September 29, 2021

Here are some of our speakers

Dr. Arifin Nugroho

IEEE Joint Aerospace and Electronic Systems/Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Chapter

Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, MSc

Chairman of National Research and Innovation Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Indroyono Soesilo M.Sc

Founder Indonesia Society Remote Sensing (MAPIN)

Dr. Wahyudi Hasbi

President of IEEE Indonesia Section

Prof Seema Verma, Ph.D

Coordinator - IBM Software Centre of Excellence & IETE-Student Chapter Banasthali Vidyapith,India

Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat, M.Eng

Institute Technology Bandung

Prof. Dr. Fusun Balik Sanli

YTÜ Civil Engineering Faculty Geomatic Engineering Department, Turkey

Dr. Damayanti Sarodja

Research Organization for the Assessment and Application of Technology National Research and Innovation Indonesia Agency (BRIN)

Professor Fabio Tosti, BSc, MSc (Hons.), PhD (Hons.)

University of West London, UK

Dr. Tofael Ahamed

University of Tsukuba, Japan

Prof. Dr. Edvin Aldrian, B.Eng, M.Sc

IPCC, United Nation

Day 2 : September 30, 2021

Here are some of our speakers

Prof. Kazuo Ouchi

University of Tokyo, Japan

I Made Andi Arsana, Ph.D

University Gajah Mada

Dr. Sc. Anindya Wirasatriya, S.T., M.Si., M.Sc

University Diponegoro

Dr. Yudi Adityawarman

Research Organization for the Assessment and Application of Technology National Research and Innovation Indonesia Agency (BRIN)

Kunio Yoneyama, Ph.D

Director of Dynamic Coupling of Ocean Atmosphere Land Research Program (DCOP), JAMSTEC

Dr. Dian Nuraini Melati

Research Organization for the Assessment and Application of Technology National Research and Innovation Indonesia Agency (BRIN)

Michael Wishnu Wardana Siagian

Managing Director of PT Terra Drone Indonesia

Ir. Yudi Anantasena, M.Sc

Research Organization for the Assessment and Application of Technology National Research and Innovation Indonesia Agency (BRIN)